Gilles Tooling Variobar


Hello all!
Does anyone have any experience with the Gilles Tooling Variobar (bar-riser clip ons)? I saw them on the internet and they look very nice. It seems like a great alternative to spacer/heli modifications. I am going to order a set for sure, but any photos or ideas would be fantastic. Thank you.
Set in the classifieds for sale by GixxerHP. You will need a one piece trip tree thu to use the setup you talking abut. know what. Why dont you bump your previouse thread instead of starting a NEW ONE...just to ask the SAME question???????
Your looking at spending $$$ vs. the heli riser thing.
i got one before,i sold it.Got to remove 1 of the top clamps rubber on the right to fix it right in.Thus due to that vibration will increase.Its not plug and play kind of stuff.