It takes a little practice. You may not wanna admit this, but you prolly aren't whacking it wide open. The beast is a little scarey at first. Keep practicing it... It will come up. My buddy Ben gets it up the same way everone else does while riding on the tank. So, even if you outweigh him (by a bunch) I think riding on the tank more than compensates for that.
Do what everyone else says. And, when you close the throttle and the forks compress, it is a timing issue. You wanna whack it exactly when the forks start to rise.
Keep at it and it will pull up for you. Once you start doing it, every now and then, it will whack you in the chest with th gas tank (while it is coming up). Be prepared for this. The first time knocked my wind out and scared me to death.
Finally, hover the right footsie over the rear brake pedal. If she gets to high or you're worried about looping, slam that foot down, and she will drop hard. Another tank slapping incident, but better than looping!