Gas tank filler opening.....


Anyone else dislike the opening on it? You really have to aim the nozzle in there. My old ginger 1k and 750 both were way easier to "hit the hole".....
Here in SoCal, all the nozzles have some sort of vapor recovery rig: with a car, the nozzle fits snug up against the filler neck, you set & forget. With both the Suzukis, I gotta push back & hold the corrugated rubber thing to make it think it's recovering the vapor, otherwise it ain't pumping the gas. Takes two hands to fill. Never figured it was a Suzuki thing, thought it was like this in all the Leftern states
Qui in SoCal, tutti gli ugelli hanno una sorta di impianto di recupero del vapore: con un'auto, l'ugello si adatta perfettamente al bocchettone di riempimento, si imposta e si dimentica. Con entrambe le Suzuki, devo spingere indietro e tenere la cosa in gomma ondulata per far pensare che stia recuperando il vapore, altrimenti non sta pompando il gas. Ci vogliono due mani per riempire. Non ho mai pensato che fosse una cosa Suzuki, ho pensato che fosse così in tutti gli stati di sinistra
Mi viene da ridere pensando al primo rifornimento l'altra settimana, tutto eccitato per la gente che guardava la nuova moto non riuscivo a togliere la chiave dopo aver chiuso il tappo, mi vergognavo molto
I have to laugh thinking about the first refueling the other week, all excited with people looking at the new bike I couldn't get the key out after closing the cap, I was very ashamed

Are you using the original key or a copy? I am merely checking in case of a copy that was not cut accurately.
I tell you, first refueling, just out of the dealer and tank in reserve, original key, but I didn't press the cap hard. Luckily I had a helmet, otherwise you could see the blush of embarrassment
Something stupid gets all of us at some worries.