Yuck, them are some cruddy filters. When my Gen 2 hit about 24,500 miles I felt the edge go off the top end. "Warp drive" was suffering, power lifts not up to par. I pulled the assembly and back flushed the heck out if it with brake parts cleaner (allot of junk came out ~white grains. Put the assembly back in and ran better but still not perfect. Then I saw E Zurcher "autopsy" write up & decided to buy a new filter. This spring, I had the typical full tank & fuel stabilizer in it, after thinking about the brown residue on the filter in the photo that E posted, I ran some Lucas injector cleaner through it as a last dich effort (had to empty the tank to pull the pump) not to clean infjectors, but to remove residual build up on the filter mesh that the back flush may have missed, thinking that it must scrub small Ø openings. I am very glad to say that it seems to be back to 100% on the seat of the pants meter. I am now a believer in the Lucas treatment, always a skeptic about "snake oil"... I'm thinking with today's "crap" fuel blends it might be a good idea to backflush about every 10-15000 miles and run the Lucas through. keep the corn out... Just FYI.