Has any one found a set of frame sliders that you don't have to modify the faring to install? I just had to by a new right lower faring ($600 bucks) and i'm a little hesitent drilling holes in it for sliders.
When I had a misundertanding with a curb and needed to replace my right fairing (that had sliders installed) I went ahead and bought a new left so i would not have to drill holes again. Now I need to repair my damaged right or keep looking for a cheap right Blue to pop up on Ebay so I can have a slider pair and non slider pair of fairings.
....as to your question non-drill sliders are said to be too weak to do any good, but many have them. As with any slider they are mainly for slow spills.
NO slider is made for anything other than a slow spill. I know Charles at StreetnTrack sells them. I really haven't heard about them (except what someone THINKS ) in a comparison fall. Biggest problem I have with any slider on the outside of the fairiing (racers use sliders for the inside, but then they don't care about the fairing) is in a real fall, they could bend or damage the frame. And that is a lot worse than just having to repair or replace a fairing
good point. the reason i posted this is i recently had it drop in my driveway(pretty damn embarrasing). I didn' think about possibly bentling the frame.
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