Some folks have issues(we'll go into that later,hahaha),getting on the boards I mean.
Well,as it turns out,it was probably RSD's fault.
Deep within the Org,way down in the basement next to the reactor,across from the Control Room is Electrical Closet #213A containing panel #17. Well,this panel should prolly not be messed with by a guy with a brain injury (shiddy,old,boring excuse I know,but it gets me outa trouble.Gets me into trouble too,like a few days ago).
So,I was down there harmlessly adding text,deleting text,fairly simple board tech stuff. Done it lots of times.Never had a problem. Until now. It appears as thou I left a few lines blank in series of code/text lines. OOPS.
Soooo, I was going to appologise for any inconvience this may have caused the good folk. Was going to. Instead,I've decided to blame the entire fiasco on VaBusa. I'm going to swipe her security keys,go down there and leave them in the unlocked panel. Then, when the Captain finds them....hehehehehee he'll blame her,not me. Good huh.
All in a days work my friends.
RSD at your service. Or in this case,your disconnected service.
Well,as it turns out,it was probably RSD's fault.
Deep within the Org,way down in the basement next to the reactor,across from the Control Room is Electrical Closet #213A containing panel #17. Well,this panel should prolly not be messed with by a guy with a brain injury (shiddy,old,boring excuse I know,but it gets me outa trouble.Gets me into trouble too,like a few days ago).
So,I was down there harmlessly adding text,deleting text,fairly simple board tech stuff. Done it lots of times.Never had a problem. Until now. It appears as thou I left a few lines blank in series of code/text lines. OOPS.
Soooo, I was going to appologise for any inconvience this may have caused the good folk. Was going to. Instead,I've decided to blame the entire fiasco on VaBusa. I'm going to swipe her security keys,go down there and leave them in the unlocked panel. Then, when the Captain finds them....hehehehehee he'll blame her,not me. Good huh.
All in a days work my friends.
RSD at your service. Or in this case,your disconnected service.