First Level 2 service.....// \\.....8488 miles in 6.5 months


Foghoon Leghoon
Donating Member
I just got DOT back from her 7500 mile service - actual miles 8488.
The dealership did a great job in less than 24 hrs and she feels great and tight again. They replaced spark plugs, oil, oil filter, inspected, lubed and tightened all cables, chain and moving parts. They gave no recommendations other than have fun and see you at 12,000 miles. I prepaid the services so this would have been about 450 clams, but I average 125.00 per service and did not have to pay for anything (plugs either).
It seems tighter on the throttle response and I was a little choppy on 1st to 2nd but this is probably just me being stupid.
Love this bike and she just gets better all the time.

pic included to preclude a useless thread.:laugh:

CM_71014  800.jpg
Congrat. Hope you get another thousands of miles safely.
Posted via Mobile Device

Thanks B/4 I really hope that we will be riding together soon.
Are you going to the Stampede?
I am not and if you are in town maybe we can ride and wear my front tire out so I can get a new one.:laugh: