Finally no more oil in the turbo


Ahhh, a nice dry intake system.

The major problem was way too much oil into the core.

The oil was getting past the seals and into the compressor; a 60thou restrictor at the end of the AN-4 feed line did the trick.

To finish up a NOS solenoid on the inlet line isolates when the motor is off to prevent any drain in effect and all is good.

The return line was dropped into a bucket to double check with the old eyeball that there was still good flow through.

I will probably install a mechanical check valve in place of the solenoid just to be certain of avoiding problems caused by electrical failure.

A lot of car turbo web sites recommend the restrictor, some even down to 40thou.

This fixed my Garrett T28 Ball Bearing unit but restrictors are NOT recommended for bush bearing cores.

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Rosco you are right on the money ive been there but what you need is a 40tous hole and a one way 0.5 pressure checkvalve i have those also but if you want to get your own this is the part number mjcv-1 let me know how things go or hit my link below and e-mail me. Good luck