finally got my busa boosted


i just got my bike back yesterday with the turbo on it

i put about 600 miles on it so far , all in all it is pretty cool thus far . it is my first time riding a turbo bike and it didnt seem as fast as i thought it would . it is a very mild set up . it made 248.6 hp on the dyno at 7 lbs of boost . on the street i have seen the gauge go to 10 lbs .i know that might sound like very low hp to everyone as far as turbo busa's go , but i wanted to start out slow cause i have only been riding bikes for a year . i am running a full exhaust with it , the bike has the stock arm and 18/40 gearing

it definately must be accelerating way faster than before but it is so smooth it dont seem as fast as i thought it would . it does lift the wheel in third gear so i know it must be pulling way harder than it was stock .

before i got the bike back i was thinking that 250 hp may have been overkill on the stock swingarm . today while i was acelerating i was wondering what 350hp would feel like . i think this boost might be addictive
You must be proud as punch GM , love to see some pics with the fairings off if you ever get a chanch...Congrats
3rd gear power wheelies.......dayum, I'm thinkin a turbo might be in my future!!!

That sounds like some serious fun!!

Congrats dude! Careful with that right wrist!!!!
Welcome to the turbo busa club mate...
boosted busa's are way sweet.. I'm running just above 250hp and thats more than enough...

Also, nothing better than letting ya blow off valve go pssssssh next to some turbo ricer car...

welcome to forced induction....... great isn't it
i just got my bike back yesterday with the turbo on it

i put about 600 miles on it so far , all in all it is pretty cool thus far . it is my first time riding a turbo bike and it didnt seem as fast as i thought it would . it is a very mild set up . it made 248.6 hp on the dyno at 7 lbs of boost . on the street i have seen the gauge go to 10 lbs .i know that might sound like very low hp to everyone as far as turbo busa's go , but i wanted to start out slow cause i have only been riding bikes for a year . i am running a full exhaust with it , the bike has the stock arm and 18/40 gearing

it definately must be accelerating way faster than before but it is so smooth it dont seem as fast as i thought it would . it does lift the wheel in third gear so i know it must be pulling way harder than it was stock .

before i got the bike back i was thinking that 250 hp may have been overkill on the stock swingarm . today while i was acelerating i was wondering what 350hp would feel like . i think this boost might be addictive
Pretty cool that's all you got to say...Come on Man...Believe me the bike is fast it's just the gear that your running...Most turbo application run a high front and lower rear for high speed runs and it want give you the seat of the pants thrill of say having a 17/40 stock setup...For the boost your running the HP is right on...Did you gauge the bike against another bike???If you did then you know it's pulling...Don't give up just yet and sound all depressed...You may want to ditch that full exhaust and regear her...
enjoy it by the end of the summer you will be doing some upgrade and turning up the is addictive trust me i have pull my motor twice already to upgrade the internals to handle as much boost as my kit will allow...
Believe me the bike is fast it's just the gear that your running...Most turbo application run a high front and lower rear for high speed runs and it want give you the seat of the pants thrill of say having a 17/40 stock setup...For the boost your running the HP is right on...Did you gauge the bike against another bike???
i am looking foward to going up against some other bikes . dont get me wrong i am happy with the bike i just thought it would feel overwhelmingly quick . some people make it sound as if it will rip your arms out with 250 rwhp .

i cant wait till i get a chance to find a long straigh away where i can wind out 4th and 5th . i kept catching up to cars and wasnt really able to go through the gears , mostly just 3rd and 4th cause of the cars in my damn way

the cool thing is with the 18/40 geaing my speedo is now almost dead on with my gps . the first day i took it out without the gps and the speedo pulled to 170 mph real quick . i figured it was no big deal cause of the error . but then i realized the next day that the speedo is very accurate now . with the stock gears it was way off

Believe me the bike is fast it's just the gear that your running...Most turbo application run a high front and lower rear for high speed runs and it want give you the seat of the pants thrill of say having a 17/40 stock setup...For the boost your running the HP is right on...Did you gauge the bike against another bike???
i am looking foward to going up against some other bikes . dont get me wrong i am happy with the bike i just thought it would feel overwhelmingly quick . some people make it sound as if it will rip your arms out with 250 rwhp .

i cant wait till i get a chance to find a long straigh away where i can wind out 4th and 5th . i kept catching up to cars and wasnt really able to go through the gears ,  mostly just 3rd and 4th cause of the cars in my damn way  

the cool thing is with the 18/40 geaing my speedo is now almost dead on with my gps . the first day i took it out without the gps and the speedo pulled to 170 mph real quick . i figured it was no big deal cause of the error . but then i realized the next day that the speedo is very accurate now . with the stock gears it was way off

There are only two ways to guage the bike...Dusting another bike or track times...Well I guess a Dyno run would do in a pinch...Once you cut a head you'll know...
by the performance i'm guessing a hahn kit.