So I have finally gotten another bussa. I sold my 02 gsxr1000 about 2 weeks ago because I had it for years and could never get a title and it was just a lot of work but I came across a lady selling a first gen for $2000 that needed a clutch sp I sold my gixxer for $2500 and went to buy the one I had seen except the lady quit answering the phone so I was literally sick to my stomach since I sold my daily and now I was stuck without a bike. But my wife came through for me since she had a friend who had came into some money and had recently paid 10grand for a 08 bussa so her bf had a new bike but not even a month later she caught him riding with his ex and took the keys outta the bike and broke up with him but before she could have anyone go get the bike he put sugar and epoxy plus the resin and hardner in the tank as well as the case. So the bike just sat for a cpl more weeks until my ol lady got ahold of her and set it up for me to buy the bike. So we went and picked it up. I took the tank off and cleaned it spotless than I took the valve cover off along with the clutch,stator and starter clutch covers and just soaked her in brake clean and mineral spirits. I mean like I filled her up until it was coming out of the side covers and then let it sit overnight. Next morning I drained it and dropped the oil pan and cleaned her some more before I put her back together and started her up and she sounded amazing but I let her run for maybe a hr than let her sit for the niight. The next morning I noticed the looking glass was like frosted white so I poped all the covers and drained her again and was sick to my stomach all over again because the inside of the covers was caked with some kind of white and silverish film but my wife came out and helped me clean her all out and repeat the process all over again except this time there isn't anything in my looking glass or in my oil at all so we went on our first ride and it was amazing how fast this bike was with me and my wife on it. So I've only owned her a short time but I'm in love I just hope to figure out the electrical problem asap but seeing how I only ended up paying a grand for the bike I can afford to spend a lil money on her,lol