Hi there. My FI has light up and the code appear is -C40. Wondering has anyone appear this problem before and is there any advise in solving it by DIY? Thanks alot.
That could be the o2 sensor. I read about it on another forum. If I remember it may be due to aftermarket pipe or pc. Someone who knows will be along soon to help more I am sure! What mods have you got and are there any other symptoms other than the FI light and code?
Well according to the service manual C40 is "Idle speed control valve (ISC valve)". I unfortunately don't know what that means but hopefully somebody else does.
I installed a power commander, got the C40 code, was told by Dynojet that a wire may have moved but I'm not sure about that. It occasionally stalls which leads me to believe the map is tripping the code. Any ideas?
I got my Dynojet remove. Its the same, FI still light up and code is C40. I check the ISC hoses and connection. And everything seem fine. THe last thing to worry is maybe the ISC valve need to replace. I order from my locate agent and till now NO STOCK! Damn.. Guess NExt working day i will drop by and ask about the status of my ISC valve.
Let me know your Out come and lets solve this problem together.
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