Fell over before my eyes

Welcome to the the Org Sorry about the fall over
I still haven't done the kickstand mod but I did have the little incident too, pulled up thought I had it forward enough, letting it lean she kept going I held it up as good as I could which helped not any damage at all not even a blemish.(got Lucky) but I will not let her go now until I KNOW the kickstand is where it needs to be no problems since.
Thanks Guys, yep the mod to the stand will be done after a trip to the dealer to rant, I sure felt like crap that day, but over it now, sure love that bike, my R-1 was just workin my body, i needed the bigger bike for comfort, mid 40's and 6'3 and 245, the bike feels great, thanks for the support, this site is great, i live in North county los angeles, i'm sure i'll run into some of you soon.... Dave
i looked at the stand and i might be mistaken...but on the 2006LE it looks diffrent and i tried wiggleing it around on the floor...but mabey in situations in the real world it acts diffrent..
Welcome to the .Org TCcone ! Sorry to hear about the tip over .
Welcome to the best Busa site out there! Sorry about the mishap. I haven't done the kickstand mod yet, but maybe I should stop procrastinating about it and just do it. But I have never had a problem with tip overs. I ALWAYS lower the stand by hand so that I am sure it's full forward, then as I squeeze the front brake lever and dismount, I pull back slightly on the grips to make sure the kickstand is in it's proper position.
Sorry to hear about your bike falling
. I did the kick stand mod and it does make a real difference you can feel
Bummer about the drop, dude! Good thing you found this board, though, because it will save you from quite a few things in the future. Welcome.
Arrrggggg! Sorry to hear that. Definitely get in the habit of parking it in 1st gear and rolling forward enough to take the slack out so it wont roll any further forward.
Welcome aboard.

Had that happent to me. Thought maybe I didn't put the stand down all of the way until I read the post about the mod. Mod is a must do. Stand pucks are a must also.
sorry to hear bout that,

surprisingly that happened to me on my 1000rr while parked at home next to our car, it fell to the side, the mirror made contact wiith the car, snapped off and on its way down left some paint on the car and a bit of scratches on the bike too ...that really suckd

now whenever i park the busa i leave it in gear and give a good tug backwards on the handlebars, with my foot supporting the kickstand firmly..whenever i pass by i do once again to make sure

i havnt heard much bout the  kick stand problem out here!!!!! but login on to hayabusa.org kinda gives me the worries that someday it might tip over???

ill do that mod the coming service

happy hayabusin to all
The kick stand mod allows the stand to lean more forward, preventing the chance of it collapsing.
Sorry to hear about your bike man! That really is a bummer! But Hopefully everything'll work out for ya!!!

"At 185mph, fear isn't being ignored... It just hasn't caught up yet!"
$hidd happens...I didn't do the mod, but I usually let the stand down, and let the stand drag ground for an inch backward...
Update: Took the bike back to the dealer to let them do some measurements of the stand and compare with the rest of the bikes on the show room floor, they said this is what the Suzuki Rep ask them to do, well all bikes varied in the amount of forward throw, measurements were from the lowest bolt on the stator cover to the bottom of the stand base.
the difference was up to 3/8". Also the springs on the stands were inspected for tension, to me it seem they are all pretty weak in allowing the stand to snap in to position , up or down, the bikes on the floor with one little bump to the rear really unbalances the  stand to the point of falling over.
My bike was put on the lift and inspected, the service manager offered to do the mod for me to the stand so i let them do it. Now the bike sits on the stand where it should have in the first place...
I have yet to hear back from them on the response from the dealer rep. seem  to me that by doing the mod for me they are assuming some degree of defect in the design.
The crew in the service dept.  were great in there help trying to look in to this, but there only so much they can do unless Suzuki steps up and admits the design flaw.

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