Favorite movie

Favorite movie: Without a doubt....Mtrix reloaded.
Favorite character: Without a doubt......Neo......the man has no limits.....just because he doesn't believe in limits.
Favorite line: Eminem's last battle with papa doc in 8 Mile.....now that was funny.
Favorite story: Matrix along with the Animatrix......excellent originality.....it's the next Star Wars Trilogy.
Favorite anything: I'm gonna have to say me and three ladies (a black chic, a white chic, and an asian chic) butt naked shooting a porno......sorry, but that's how it is.

Hey FOrmer Bear.......We Were Soldiers is about my unit.....1-7 Cavalry....I met CSM Plumley for real at the release here on Fort Hood........I think he really was like that.
OMG, I totally forgot about Army of Darkness!"were you born in a barn...close the door....probably was born in a barn, with all the rest of the damn primatives"!
The 13th Warrior...also a great flick. Made me proud of my mother's side of the family for once!