Electrical Diagram


I just received an alarm for my Hayabusa. I'm wondering if any of you guys know where I can get an electrical diagram for the 2003 Hayabusa. Is there any place on the internet where I can download an electrical diagram??
I'm not getting any results on KaZaA. Unfortunately, I have the bike all apart right now and I want to get started ASAP. Do you have any images or PDF's you could E-mail me to get me started? Thanks!

I found the wiring diagram but I can't figure out how to email it from the Acrobat Reader. It won't copy and paste.
Drew you have mail. I sent a couple diagrams I hope it helps. Let me know and I can resend them if they don't come through.
If you have dsl or don't mind a very long download ask Narcissus he is setting up the manual for a limited time for us to download it. Just ask him nicely.