Don't do this....


Just wanted to warn everyone since this almost happened to me today. Went to Blockbuster before work, to drop off a movie, and the movie was in my 'hump'. Got off the bike, unlocked the hump, took the movie out, put the hump back on, walked over to the store and dropped off the movie, and got back to my bike. For a couple seconds I was wondering if I just locked my keys in the hump!!!!!!! Luckily I put the keys back in the ignition, but I freaked out for a second and realized how easily I could have been stranded.
......uh, okay.


Good Advice. I just have one key (no ring) and it stays in the hump lock unitl I shut it back.

I am adding a RoadLok key and a key fob so I will keep this in mind since I will not let a key dangle on my bikes paint and will be removing it from now on as I unlock the hump.
ive locked my key in there before, luckly i have an undertail so i just popped 2 plastic rivets and reached in and got it
(Big Wall @ May 03 2007,20:21) Good advise.  I tend to run off and leave my keys in the lock for the hump.
I've done that too, then go to start and, "where's the keys?" .....still in the hump lock!
I leave a spare key at home in a special hiding place so I always know where it is. You can call me smart!