crankcase breather

It works just fine maybe next year I’ll get to the track and let er loose or maybe it’ll just sit in my garage while I ride my Harley...... l
lol.. I rode my bike less than a thousand miles all summer... it was a summer that didn't end... I worked 16 hr shifts 3 days a week--forced overtime.(I ended the summer paying new guys 100 bucks to work my mandated OT.
That's me wheelieing my gen2 in my avatar.
It spent a couple thousand miles around 11 o'clock, and with zero issues.
The 636 design is different, and pours oil out stock(you have to run the hose into a catch can to prevent it).
The breather on the Busa pictured looks as if it's just an open port with a filter on it.
So my thinking was that if the bike did high wheelies, it's gonna leak oil through that filter. It may not, but I'm curious if it will now.
Very real concern believe you on 636 which i was interested in for a while. Guess we will have to put Suzuki to the test sixpack to verify what happens.
that's gonna be my next upgrade Low profile breather and get rid of that hose.

HI. I have run the can cover and crank case breathers in to the exhaust pipe with a one way valve. The flow of the gases makes a negative pressure in the motor = more HP. Or you can run a vacuum pump. I was also told to run the breather on the end of a long hose It acts as a baffel.
I like the idea of doing this thinking of running a longer hose up to the tail with the filter attached to frame on left side under plastic where it bulges outward. But for now going to run it regular.
I like the idea of doing this thinking of running a longer hose up to the tail with the filter attached to frame on left side under plastic where it bulges outward. But for now going to run it regular.
Nastee, how is your currently set up? just the breather fitting and KN filter?
Something to consider: MAN cup rules. Not that anybody is going to run it, but there must be a reason …. I'm setting my new bike up to run the stock baffle. I took off the low profile breather it came with.


Catch cans are mandatory on all motorcycles that do not utilize a stock crankcase breather routing to the air box. Engines with breather hose plumbed into a vacuum pump system also require a catch can for catastrophic failure. The catch can must be securely mounted. All vents to ambient atmosphere must have an air filter to catch any oil mist. Use of suitable size hose clamps is required.

Hi my friends have you heard something about putting the filter near the existing hole where the hose in the airbox used to be and why some others put the filter right at the fitting out of the cap what its the difference? Thank you
Robert, running a longer hose to the filter acts as a baffle for oil vapors, much like a PCV valve on a car engine works. Most of the oil will tend to collect along the inside of the hose and drip back into the crankcase, where it belongs, with crankcase pressure continuing up and venting out of the filter.