i was going to a friends house tonight, and on the way there i got stuck behind these 2 cars going really slow, well I was kinda pissed off they were going slow so the first chance I got, I kicked down a few gears and took off. I think i got up to 95MPH in 65 to pass them real quick and started slowing down to a normal speed. Next thing I know there’s a cop behind me with his lights on. DAMM IT where the hell did he come from??? Any ways i pull off the highway and pull in to a empty street. i stop, take of my helmet and gloves, get off the bike and take out my driver license and insurance before he gets up to me. he ask do you know why i pull you over , i told him yeah i took off a little fast back there, he took my license and went back to his car. then another cop shows up, talks to the cop that pulled me over. then the new cop walks up to me and starts talking to me about how he likes my bike (BKing) and other biker stuff for about 15 mins while the other cop is running my ID. OHH and by the way im wearing my EMS work jacket. the other cop gets done running my license and asked me where i worked. i told him who i worked for, and the new cop goes iv seen you at a fairview station a few times before, i told him i work up there every now and then. and the cop that pulled me over goes, ok im going to let you off with a warning and drive carefull, he said i know you have to put up with crazy drivers every day and i didnt need to be driving like that. i said thank you and told them to have a good night a went on my way. 
Warning ticket said i was doing 77 in a 65. boy im glad i was wearing my EMS jacket. Because i dont think i would be able to afford a 95 in a 65 ticket.

Warning ticket said i was doing 77 in a 65. boy im glad i was wearing my EMS jacket. Because i dont think i would be able to afford a 95 in a 65 ticket.