some simple checks are needed.. (and you can do it with the bike cold..)
Fuse check first..
find the temp sensor and short the two leads together.. see if fan fires off (key on/engine off)
if fan does not fire, you need to get a finger on the relay to see if it is "clicking"
if no click, check sensor wires for voltage ,
if typical fan sensor, one leg will be hot, the other ground.. (the sensor grounds the relay)
if relay clicks, you need to check fan leads for ground and voltage.. (again one lead is 12V the other ground) could be the relay is live but fan power to relay is failed.. (2 power sources)
shade tree method (chainsaw and fire axe method)
check fuses..
short fan relay temp sensor with jumper wire (leave in place)
replace relay
replace fan
then find voltmeter and see where power quit