congrats americans, you are now number two

This is what you find at the Jersey Shore Beaches

i think the main problem is because almost ALL of our food is processed with preservatives or the use of steroids. we have nowhere to run. i lost 5 pounds easily in Greece because the food is fresh and they don't shove the gigantic servings down our throats.:whistle:

They are eating better to with the help of the IRS They declare kids that aren't even in this country and get some serious pay day out of it

The IRS Sends 46 Million in Refunds To 23,994 Illegal Aliens Registered At ONE ADDRESS | Right Wing News

That was to one house IRS gives billions every year to them, and feds complain about having to pay ss to people who have been working here their whole life

IRS Is Paying Illegal Immigrants Billions of Dollars