Hi all, from the UK here. Just joined the site and have spent the last few hours reading the threads, had my 2009 Hayabusa since March 2012 and love it
Ive been wondering how the clutch assist works? I know about slipper clutches and im a seasoned trackday rider (27 trackdays) and how they work having had a 2008 ZX-10R as in they help to prevent the rear wheel sliding due to engine braking/aggressive downshifts but hardly have to call on one to work as I blip the throttle on downsifts to match road/rear wheel/gearbox/engine speed. Its the other way thats new to me ie during launches, is it a type lock up clutch? I know the cush drives on my bike need replacing which is first on my list of things to do but it does seem a bit of a pig to launch as in you get the revs up, introduce and slip the clutch and it seems to jump as if the clutch fully engages when you still maybe want a bit of slip. Its a standard clutch on a Gen2 Hayabusa, I hope someone can enlighten me. Cheers all