Can It Be True ? Stock Kawasaki 249 Mph.....


Watch in Terror As a Bone-Stock Kawasaki Motorcycle Hits 249 MPH on Public Roads

Watch in Terror As a Bone-Stock Kawasaki Motorcycle Hits 249 MPH on Public ...
On a closed highway, motorcycle racer Kenan Sofuoğlu took a 300-horsepower Kawasaki H2R from zero to 249 mph i...

WOW !!!!!!!
Pretty impressive all around !
I am not sure how reliable
that speed is, but the whole film
in VERY impressive.
IF I was to find fault:
1) The timing in on board, which today
is probably pretty accurate IF it is GPS based.
IF it is wheel-speed based on the rear wheel,
than with the usual and expectable 5-10% wheel spin, the 400 KPH would be substantially reduced.
2) We don't know the length of the run (yet)
although that could be calculated from the video.
3) The run travels from one bridge-suspension arch past the other. Suspension bridges have their high point near the middle of the span. That means the last (fast) half of the run is DOWNHILL. Is that fair.
4) STILL: Impressive for a factory-issued, over-the-counter bike, and FASTER than any recorded speed for ANY MotoGP bike, EVER !
Cheers, Scott
Come get some

310 CLUB

5113 Bill Warner APS/BF-1350/4 311.945 2011

270 CLUB

5112 Bill Warner MPS/BF-1350/4 273.356 2010

260 CLUB

1110 Dean Sabatinelli APS/BG-1650/4 269.776 2010
1105 Shane Stubbs MPS/BG-2000/4 265.181 2009
9494 Thomas Cronan APS/BF–1650/4 262.161 2012

250 CLUB

121H Scott Davis APS/BF-1350/4 259.056 2015
5112 Bill Warner MPS/BG-1350/4 257.813 2009
7607 Ryan Ostergard MPS/BF-1350/4 253.35 2015
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Come get some

310 CLUB

5113 Bill Warner APS/BF-1350/4 311.945 2011

270 CLUB

5112 Bill Warner MPS/BF-1350/4 273.356 2010

260 CLUB

1110 Dean Sabatinelli APS/BG-1650/4 269.776 2010
1105 Shane Stubbs MPS/BG-2000/4 265.181 2009
9494 Thomas Cronan APS/BF–1650/4 262.161 2012

250 CLUB

121H Scott Davis APS/BF-1350/4 259.056 2015
5112 Bill Warner MPS/BG-1350/4 257.813 2009
7607 Ryan Ostergard MPS/BF-1350/4 253.35 2015

That is crazy. I have been better than 200, but better than 300 sounds insane even to me.
The Busa never went 200mph in 1999, or any other year.
A stock gen1 can only do 194mph at best(99 or 00 model, or 01-07 with top speed limiter removed).
That is the gearing's limit, and if you change the gearing, good luck having the hp to get to or past 200mph.
I seem to recall that they did see the 205 mark. Perhaps that was speedo speed and not actual. IDK. 194 I totally believe. I've seen 190 twice on mine and it was still pulling.

But Kawi is in a new orbit now.

And Zuk better answer the call soon or the King will be long dead.
the only kawi that's breaking 200 bone stock is the H2r and how are you gonna compare a $30k+ bike to one that's half the price. Plus I don't see it holding many records yet. Busa is still king
The only Kawasaki that's breaking 200 bone stock is the H 2 r and how are you gonna compare a $30 k+ bike to one that's half the price.

Plus I don't see it holding many records yet.

Hayabusa is still king .

They sure do push that Z X 14 with their GPS runs pretty close to 200 MPH . . .

Stock or not, Kawi has set the new standard. Even stock they make 200 MPH look easy now.

At all the events I have raced, I don't think I have seen a stock H2 run at or over 200. Heck at the last Wilmington event, granted the wind was awful, the modified H2s and one particular modified H2r had a hard time getting above 200; 208 was about it.