"Cage bashing"

Didn't mean nothing by quoting just brought the thoughts an memories up,

a friend of mine did it, he almost broke his hand an lost control of his bike, he did it cause the guy was going to miss his exit an decided to change lanes an used his car to force us out of his way so he wouldn't miss his exit. Don't know how fast this poster's friend was going but the guy we were riding with was doing about 65 so he had to speed up an past the cager, balance the bike with hand do a striking motion connect with a solid object (hard one at that) that was mere inches away from his bike( that was also changing lanes) It's hard to describe but even harder to watch. I thought he was a goner. Any he chooses to do this move good luck an godspeed rider:please:

That is definitely not something I care to witness...just too much of a risk and you're on two wheels and they're in a big tank...we riders do not stand much of a chance...
Good point about the karma thing. I think I will stick with the hand gestures and screaming in my helmet too. (Bad road rage mostly from the war)
Mirror or no mirror, that car can and will run you over when the driver is pissed.
Unless Im riding to work I have a glock with a full 1 round clip and one in chamber to my belt. Just happens to be visible sometimes..... helps prevent issues. If you;re in a state where you can carry - consider it. :thumbsup:

You have a Glock with a 1 round clip? I knew Glocks were worthless:laugh:
If you MUST "cage bash", screw the mirror thing. Do it right:

I have punched my fair share of mirrors, I generally try not to let folks upset my mood when I am riding, but every now then Iyou get that one driver that just needs to loose a mirror.