Busa Clutch replacement (08)


Does anyone know how hard it maybe to replace the clutch on my 08 Busa?
Seems like it doesnt start to engage until the level is about 70% released.
Also, how much doesa clutch run or what should AI expect a shop to charge me to do it?


08 Busa
14XXX miles
Do you have adjustable levers? @14K miles it should be fine unless it's been abused. I would check fluid level, lever position adjustment, leak in the line/connections before diving into the plates/springs.
That doesn't work try a clutch kit, springs/plates. Get the service manual and follow the directions. Quite a few threads here with pictures and full instructions with some great tips on how to.
I do have adjustable levers but I doubt that's the problem.
I have checked the lines and I dont see any fluid leaks or anything.
I (personally) haven't abused the bike. Not even a single burnout since I had the bike.
HOWEVER, I did buy the bike used so I can't comment on the way it was ridden before I got it.
Saturday, I had the bike checked out at a local store.
He checked the lever and engagement and said this is normal.
He also asked, when I'm in 5th or 6th and I crack the throttle does the RPM's rev and then come back down (indicating a slippng clutch) and I said no. The bike just pulls as normal.

He says the clutch is fine....