Brother just called me, he went down this morning


My brother called me saying he went down just outside his job on the way to work. He said he was banged up but ok. The bike isn't in bad shape he said but the front tire is flat. Calling a friend with a truck to go see what's up. He was on my bike
Yikes!! So glad is Ok. Prayers sent for a speedy recovery and hoping for an easy fix to your bike.
Best wishes for him and you first....the bike a distant second it can be repaired
Bummer. I wrecked my brothers bikes a few times growing up.
Tore his Kz750 all up throwing it wide into a ditch. Oh well that's what brothers are for. :)

Glad he and your bike are gonna be ok.
Glad he's alright. Hopefully the bike isn't completely destroyed. Let him heal up before you :spank:

Hope he's alright
We ride we ....we fall. Sorry to hear about the bike. Glad he is ok. Flat tire? Sounds like a curb?

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glad to hear he's going to be ok...hope the bike isn't too bad :beerchug:
that's what brothers are for. :beerchug:

:poke: soo, what happened? pics of the bike, :whistle: of the beat up brother? :laugh:

im glad he's ok. wipeouts can kill easily.
Just got back home, Bike isn't too bad. Nose, left fairing, stator cover, and a new front rim. He said he was going 35mph when the front end went out on him, he said he lost traction in the front tire. He low sided, fell in some bushes and bike slid into a curb. He is ok, his knee is swollen but that's the extent of his injuries. I wasn't mad, it could have been a lot worse. Although he isn't going to hear the end of this no time soon :laugh:


Glad that hes ok, The bike dont look that bad, but now you got to painted the right way to match the front fender and tail:thumbsup:
After the paint job is done(all white), dont let him ride it no more cause it will be a lot faster:whistle:

Yeah, paint it white! But it will make it slow so it will be fine for him.

Glad he is okay, bikes not too bad either.
He must have stayed with the bike looking at your tag. Hope the knee isn't damaged.
I had a rack of parts to install in over the winter I orders this summer, guess I can start now and take my time. Thinking white/black or white red. That tag bracket saved my friends bike when he low sided, it acts like a frame slider since it sticks out so much. He's walking around fine now, so now I can harass him lol