

I’m fat as fuuuuuuuuu..... was at 325lb down to 308lb but man I just CAN’T get motivated. I have never done anything well alone, spent too much time alone as a kid and I think learned how to block out everything good and bad at that point and now it’s kinda biting me in the booty.
move tried to get a couple different people Into like a weight loss challenge but they just quit.
bet one dude 5:1 odds, my $500 to his $100 I could lose more than him in 2 months. He agreed and then quit his job and I never heard from him again lol.
my question is do any of y’all have any advice on how to get motivated? Maybe hada similar issue to me, how you overcome it?
It’s getting serious, I’m developing health issues that I’m sure are weight related and I just can’t bring myself to give enough of a damn to dedicate myself to weight loss...
I’ll take any an all advice at this point.
First thing ya gotta do is is go see a doctor that you trust and know and get the tests done for diabetes, your health issues may very well stem from that disease.
I had no idea what was causing my health issues (similar to you but less weight at 220lbs) and was surprised to find I had type 2 diabetes!
With a serious change in eating habits combined with giving up the beer drinking (was every night!) I dropped 45lbs in 3 months. No joking. A lot of my recurring health problems disappeared, also back pain and knee pain cleared up, most likely caused by the excessive weight loading on my spine and lower joints.
You also need to team up with other motivated people also into weight loss in a SERIOUS way that can support you with regular contact and outings etc, advice and tips on diet (ya gotta stop the takeout crap food!)
There are lots of support groups online and also in your local area I'm sure.
Become a part of one of these groups and then you will feel empowered and the motivation needed to continue on the journey will come easier.
Also, challenge yourself daily with weight loss, weigh youself and congratulate yourself everytime you see a lower reading on the scales!
All the best for you my friend, it's hard at first but WILL get easier as you form good habits.
Kiwi :thumbsup:
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First thing ya gotta do is is go see a doctor that you trust and know and get the tests done for diabetes, your health issues may very well stem from that disease.
I had no idea what was causing my health issues (similar to you but less weight at 220lbs) and was surprised to find I had type 2 diabetes!
With a serious change in eating habits combined with giving up the beer drinking (was every night!) I dropped 45lbs in 3 months. No joking. A lot of my recurring health problems disappeared, also back pain and knee pain cleared up, most likely caused by the excessive weight loading on my spine and lower joints.
You also need to team up with other motivated people also into weight loss in a SERIOUS way that can support you with regular contact and outings etc, advice and tips on diet (ya gotta stop the takeout crap food!)
There are lots of support groups online and also in your local area I'm sure.
Become a part of one of these groups and then you will feel empowered and the motivation needed to continue on the journey will come easier.
Also, challenge yourself daily with weight loss, weigh youself and congratulate yourself everytime you see a lower reading on the scales!
All the best for you my friend, it's hard at first but WILL get easier as you form good habits.
Kiwi :thumbsup:
I’ve been to the doc. My issues are hip and back. Otherwise I’m actually really healthy. Cholesterol, blood p, sugar etc... blood p was CLOSE to high but in normal range. Doc even laughed and told me I was the healthiest fat guy he knew... but I need to “un fat ASAP, before that changes” as he put it.
I was drinking 2-3...4... monsters a day. Cut those cold turkey and fml dude. Withdrawals felt like I was dying. Panic attacks, hyperventilating, horrible shakes and cold sweats, chills, blurred vision...
That was about a month ago and is where the almost 20lbs lost came from.
move been looking for others to do this with, but like I said, I’ve came up short constantly.
You describe that you are no good at being solo. What would happen if you tried to commit to walking daily? You could not do it solo?

@Kiwi Rider just hit it on the head. To some degree if you get the calorie count way down, the body will burn fat for energy before you even introduce a physical regimen. What is your food intake like? What challenges do you anticipate?

I have a difficult time performing formal exercises. It is like going to a second job but without pay. Thus I try to find fun, physical hobby activities. Do you motorcycle solo? Maneuvering the Hayabusa around all of those curves in the park system, granted it is not swimming, but it does burn up some calories.
Right now it's tough as everything is not up and running soon as it gets going, see about joining a gym and enrol yourself into a few fitness classes, this way you have other people to motivate you..

You can also hire a personal trainer who will motivate you and many of them also set up diets.

Until then, if you can get out walking or bicycling, they help. I don't know how it is where you live but you could walk more to go do errands if that's possible, sometimes having a destination and goal help motivate you to walk there...???

Another thing to do is when you watch TV, do an exercise every commercial, push ups, weightless squats, leg raises, will become habit forming...
Like others said check with your doctor first.

I went from 205 (normal for me up until I got older) to 152 which was too thin so I am back up to 175 which seems right for me at this age.

I totally stopped all soda's and sugar drinks except OJ in the morning. I eat low calorie foods. I stop eating for the day by 4pm. Your food digests better if there is time between you last meal and the time you go to bed. I sleep better too. I also went from beer to wine when I drink on weekends. I mostly just eat two meals. Breakfast about 9am and lunch/dinner at 3-4pm.

I also exercise with two 20 lb. dumbbells' each day. Lots of different ones and reps.
I have a couple friend who have lost a lot of weight. One of them bounces around, but the other decided one day it was time. He joined me at the CrossFit gym and just started eating right. Joining a gym with a friend helps with accountability and as he said, the hardest part is just showing up. Once you are there, you are going to do it because it is a group setting. Even I find myself at times thinking " If I was at home by myself I would quit this right now" but in the group you don't want to be the quitter. I made sure to work with him, on the warmup runs I would go his speed.
I got up to 365 at one time. A lot of normal weight people don't understand extremely big people. I liked being the human equivalent of a heavy battle tank. I liked not fearing anything and the feeling of invincibility. BTW women loved the Teddy Bear. Then, at 365 I all of a sudden started to feel fat as opposed to powerful. I was a pretty gifted athlete. It was nothing to play tennis, basketball, and lift all in the same morning. So slowing the train down was pretty difficult. I'm between 290 and 300 now. I'm working on getting in the 260 range. When I was in great physical shape I was 230 and I was 200 by the time I was 16 or so. So I was always big if not fat. Once you arrive in the 300 range, you are morbidly obese. That means a lot of health things but basically your body is bigger than your organs can handle. I was amazed to find out that the heart doesn't grow, they are the same size for everyone. So obviously my little heart in a 365 lb body is doing overtime!

Anyway, the body is a complex machine. If you need to lose 5-10 lbs it's probably a pull away from the table and go run. If you need to lose 100 lbs it will take a fundamental reset of your physical/psychological balance system. Exercise won't do it (although you will need to burn calories). There are 2 reasons for this. First, the weight you can lose by starving yourself will not make a huge difference when the goal is 100 lbs. At least not very quickly and most don't have the determination to sustain that. Second, starving the calories will often make the psychological issues worse. Even if you find yourself in an emotional place where you can force a 100 lb loss, you won't be there long emotionally and you'll start e climb again.

That's why I suggested Noom. They help you understand the reason you are not balanced (physical & psychological) and help you make the changes necessary to achieve a new balance at a lower weight. My problem is that even at 365 I really liked my body! I had to realize that it's just too much weight and it's gotta go. I used psychologists, (lot more expensive lol) to figure this out. I also saw food as a challenge, not as fuel. I tried Nutra System, Weight Watchers, challenges with partners, etc. - everything. Nothing worked until I understood the brain side of the problem. I have been loosing now for 6 years.
Klutch,Fallen...there's just more of you to love.

Lot's of ways to attack this men. I've trained lots of people over the years to lose weight and gain weight. Do all sorts of research and pick out the common sense stuff. Don't bother with the fancy krap or the gimmicks.
You have to win a lot of places. Like the grocery store. If you don't buy it and put it in the cupboard or fridge then it isn't there at 3 AM for easy eating.Keep healthy snacks in the car for those long drives when McPukes looks'll be full on good stuff.
Get a super high maintenace dog. Not kidding. They need to be walked and eventually run several times a day.Rewarding for both of you. I used to cross country run with my 3 Rottwiellers everyday. They jump the log,you jump the log. Use your geography. You got nice beaches,use them.Swim,surf,run in the sand. Gets you out,fun sceanery (chic's in bikini's are highly motivating).We all like motorcycles right? The physical demands of motocross,trials(not trails,trials)enduro are extreme.Bycicles.Mountain,road,stationary.Stationary is great for in front of the TV. Thats where you should put it,in front of the TV so that you cant see the TV unless you are on the bike. Rowing machine,treadmill,etc works too. Funds are low? Jump rope or anything that gets the heart rate up.
Weight training. Don't believe me. Research it. Building muscle,burns fat.Set easily achievable goals,one's that boost yer mental health for gains made. No huge goals that will bum you out when not made.Cheat once in a while if you have to,but don't beat yourself up if it happens.Pick one day a month and pig out on your fav's. This works if you only do it once in a while. It's a rewards program. If you can reward without food all the better. Start a journal with pics of yourself in the mirror,no need to keep daily or even monthly records of your body weight there is no value in seeing that you have gained 2 pounds in your first week. Everyone's metabolism is different. I have gained 40 pounds of muscle in 6 months. This could take you years,be prepared for that. Don't keep the clothes that no longer fit as you lose weight. Sell the leathers and expensive stuff,give the rest to charity. Thinking, I'll keep these in case I get fat again is not a good idea.Goal setting: How about a ratio of so much money for Busa mods for so much weight lost. Or whatever works for you. Sit back and look at that new exhaust and think...I DID THAT. A college fund for the kids,gifts for your sweetie,whatever.Pick friends who are serious.Somebody that goes to the gym for the first week and drops out will not help you. Pick gym friends who are similar in size so you can compliment each other on made gains. Working out with guys that look like Arnie Swartz can work too,thats up to you. Got pics of when you were buff an' tough...put 'em up on the wall. You'll see them,yer sweetie will see them and say "I want that." Sex is a great motivator and awesome cardio.Set exact times for working out so that it becomes routine.Set an' alarm.When it goes off,jump up and go. Stay on top of your mental health as well. Klutch you mentioned ... Withdrawals felt like I was dying. Panic attacks, hyperventilating, horrible shakes and cold sweats, chills, blurred vision...look into that,as those are classic signs of an' over-eater that does so because of things like perhaps depression. Yup,I know.Everybody blames everything on depression these days..."go get some pills". "Everybody is on anti-depressants." Thing is,it may be you. Nothing to be ashamed of...I've been there, done that after a brain injury. All that meditation and zen-budda krap does work for some,but not for all.Check into professional help. You may have an' eating disorder or other shi7 going on. Its worth looking at. Only you can answer that honestly. I could go on and on but you guys are smart dudes,you will figure this out.Start on it.Exorcise your bodies,as well as the demons.Get those pics out,you especially Fallen. If you had a major bod,strive to bring it back.The pic below is me sporting "Vacation Fat-Belly" but there's a bod in there too,to be brought back out.Even old farts can be in shape. Look at those traps,delts,bi's/tri's,forearms...there's an' in-shape dude in there waiting to get back.My motivational photo.
I'd say good luck gentleman,but luck is not a factor. Go get 'em.

Oh ya. Every time I see you on here wasting time instead of working out or making a salad,be prepared. 'Cause I will krap all over you. Fallen,you don't scare me. Well...not that much.

You guys think yer gonna get this from me...
some nice coddling.Ahhh,nope.
More like this....
and this....

Its hard I agree, I am currently 6ft 275 lbs most my life I been at 180-220 but I am currently on the fight to get back in shape, and In the highest I been before was 265 lbs and I dropped down to 190 in about 5 month 75 lbs loss, and the way I motivated myself is-------> To set small goals to yourself, start with trying to slow jog just 1/2 a mile , u can take small walking breaks but try your very best just to get a slog JOG going nearly walking, play some motivational music you love as you do!, and do that for about 1-2 weeks and you will soon realize a habit starting to kick in and u will start getting stronger and that's when you start building and instead of 1/2 a mile u start moving up to 3/4 of a mile and once again keep that slow jog almost walking going, you will get heavy breathing going but if you feel yourself starting to breath too strong, slow your pace down until it adapts to your breathing. and once again another week or 2 passes by next thing you know you will be at 1 mile and then 1.5 miles then 2 miles etc etc... I have never ran in my life before I never knew our breathing can adapt to the way we run jog etc. When I started I was gasping for air at just 1/2 a mile but I kept pushing and adapted my breathing and next thing u know at 5 month into running everyday , 75 lbs down , I broke my personal record doing 12 miles straight in just under 2 hours. But remember start slow and set GOALS you can accomplish don't set your mind thinking today ! I will go 3 miles ! and your dying at 1 mile! lol.... set small accomplishable goals! and u will soon be strong! I am currently 275 and I will see where I am at in 5 month. I am currently starting off with weight lifting, pushups for 20 mins , sit ups 15 mins , curling 15 mins. weekends I am currently going to start off with 1 mile take 30 second walk break then last mile. since I do remember how to adapt my breathing still. BUT MY MOTIVATION COMES FROM GETTING THROUGH DAY 1 , GETTING THROUGH DAY2 , GETTING THROUGH DAY 3 etc etc... I cant go today without a workout or else DAY 1 or your last accomplishment will feel like u wasted it. YOLO! .Do you in the day where u do you enjoying your hobby and you accomplish what you would like to do like maybe video games , riding your bike, being with your kids etc, accomplish that , but the #1 thing set a time in your day you will accomplish your Workout! I am currently setting my workout 8pm-9pm 1 hour. got 2 weeks straight done so far. about to add running in the weekend starting next week. Make your mind think, I need to do this , I have to do this ! I MUST do this! I CAN DO THIS! I will do this! I WILL NOT GIVE UP! I am better then this! well I can keep going on how I motivate myself LOL... hope my little speech helps! and one more thing , when it came to eating I ate really good! I ate a lot of grilled chicken grilled meats a lot of protein shakes , MY #1 thing is ast meal at 6 pm and it will be a nice big protein drink then glass of milk to sleep . my morning meal is the biggest then my lunch will be my grilled meats. damn ok ok time for me to stop lol. but yes once the routine kicks in you are set! just fight to not stop! I am on my way down already haven't weighed myself in 2 weeks but I am sure I am like high 260's already. lost 2 belt sizes already in 2 weeks. constant daily sit ups. DONT QUIT!
I got up to 365 at one time. A lot of normal weight people don't understand extremely big people. I liked being the human equivalent of a heavy battle tank. I liked not fearing anything and the feeling of invincibility. BTW women loved the Teddy Bear. Then, at 365 I all of a sudden started to feel fat as opposed to powerful. I was a pretty gifted athlete. It was nothing to play tennis, basketball, and lift all in the same morning. So slowing the train down was pretty difficult. I'm between 290 and 300 now. I'm working on getting in the 260 range. When I was in great physical shape I was 230 and I was 200 by the time I was 16 or so. So I was always big if not fat. Once you arrive in the 300 range, you are morbidly obese. That means a lot of health things but basically your body is bigger than your organs can handle. I was amazed to find out that the heart doesn't grow, they are the same size for everyone. So obviously my little heart in a 365 lb body is doing overtime!

Anyway, the body is a complex machine. If you need to lose 5-10 lbs it's probably a pull away from the table and go run. If you need to lose 100 lbs it will take a fundamental reset of your physical/psychological balance system. Exercise won't do it (although you will need to burn calories). There are 2 reasons for this. First, the weight you can lose by starving yourself will not make a huge difference when the goal is 100 lbs. At least not very quickly and most don't have the determination to sustain that. Second, starving the calories will often make the psychological issues worse. Even if you find yourself in an emotional place where you can force a 100 lb loss, you won't be there long emotionally and you'll start e climb again.

That's why I suggested Noom. They help you understand the reason you are not balanced (physical & psychological) and help you make the changes necessary to achieve a new balance at a lower weight. My problem is that even at 365 I really liked my body! I had to realize that it's just too much weight and it's gotta go. I used psychologists, (lot more expensive lol) to figure this out. I also saw food as a challenge, not as fuel. I tried Nutra System, Weight Watchers, challenges with partners, etc. - everything. Nothing worked until I understood the brain side of the problem. I have been loosing now for 6 years.
Hi. I feel fat at 165. I want to get back to 135 and a 29 inch waist. That was 1966. I try to eat good, but I still fail. I have 1 can of soda a day I have 2 cups of tea and 1 glass of milk. I walk about 12000 steps a day, maybe I should try running.
I got up to 365 at one time. A lot of normal weight people don't understand extremely big people. I liked being the human equivalent of a heavy battle tank. I liked not fearing anything and the feeling of invincibility. BTW women loved the Teddy Bear. Then, at 365 I all of a sudden started to feel fat as opposed to powerful. I was a pretty gifted athlete. It was nothing to play tennis, basketball, and lift all in the same morning. So slowing the train down was pretty difficult. I'm between 290 and 300 now. I'm working on getting in the 260 range. When I was in great physical shape I was 230 and I was 200 by the time I was 16 or so. So I was always big if not fat. Once you arrive in the 300 range, you are morbidly obese. That means a lot of health things but basically your body is bigger than your organs can handle. I was amazed to find out that the heart doesn't grow, they are the same size for everyone. So obviously my little heart in a 365 lb body is doing overtime!

Anyway, the body is a complex machine. If you need to lose 5-10 lbs it's probably a pull away from the table and go run. If you need to lose 100 lbs it will take a fundamental reset of your physical/psychological balance system. Exercise won't do it (although you will need to burn calories). There are 2 reasons for this. First, the weight you can lose by starving yourself will not make a huge difference when the goal is 100 lbs. At least not very quickly and most don't have the determination to sustain that. Second, starving the calories will often make the psychological issues worse. Even if you find yourself in an emotional place where you can force a 100 lb loss, you won't be there long emotionally and you'll start e climb again.

That's why I suggested Noom. They help you understand the reason you are not balanced (physical & psychological) and help you make the changes necessary to achieve a new balance at a lower weight. My problem is that even at 365 I really liked my body! I had to realize that it's just too much weight and it's gotta go. I used psychologists, (lot more expensive lol) to figure this out. I also saw food as a challenge, not as fuel. I tried Nutra System, Weight Watchers, challenges with partners, etc. - everything. Nothing worked until I understood the brain side of the problem. I have been loosing now for 6 years.

I’ve always been big. Since about 10th grade i was 220lb. Not all fat not all muscle. Just the stereotypical big ole cornfed sumbich. I liked being big and the inherent strength I had. Then I bounced up to the 300 mark but was still agile and strong. But over the past two years... I’ve just became fat... the strength is gone. The agility gone... just a lethargic stay puff marshmallow man lol.
as for the psychological part... I know the issues. I know their effects and the inevitable outcome. Which is further depressing. You sit there thinking damn man I’m a fat slob and my body is shutting down. But you just don’t have the motivation to get off your ass... it’s like sticking your feet off a dock in piranha filled waters and just watching them munch. All you gotta do it pull up your legs... but nah, you just watch. I did have a good chat with Mr B though. My problem is (aside from years of neglected mental and physical health lol) that I won’t do things for myself. But I will do anything for someone else. So I need a support net... people that just remind me I’m a fatty to keep me focused. but I feel like I’m putting them out by being needy and asking them to keep my sorry ass motivated which I should be doin myself. But I figure for once in my life I should ask for the help.
I’ve always been big. Since about 10th grade i was 220lb. Not all fat not all muscle. Just the stereotypical big ole cornfed sumbich. I liked being big and the inherent strength I had. Then I bounced up to the 300 mark but was still agile and strong. But over the past two years... I’ve just became fat... the strength is gone. The agility gone... just a lethargic stay puff marshmallow man lol.
as for the psychological part... I know the issues. I know their effects and the inevitable outcome. Which is further depressing. You sit there thinking damn man I’m a fat slob and my body is shutting down. But you just don’t have the motivation to get off your ass... it’s like sticking your feet off a dock in piranha filled waters and just watching them munch. All you gotta do it pull up your legs... but nah, you just watch. I did have a good chat with Mr B though. My problem is (aside from years of neglected mental and physical health lol) that I won’t do things for myself. But I will do anything for someone else. So I need a support net... people that just remind me I’m a fatty to keep me focused. but I feel like I’m putting them out by being needy and asking them to keep my sorry ass motivated which I should be doin myself. But I figure for once in my life I should ask for the help.
There is some reason you are giving up on yourself and asking for help here. Sounds like you have been fooling yourself into thinking you have this under control and you are realizing maybe you dont. Been there done that. Get some help on the mind side of this to get your confidence back up. When you are fat you think the world would be better if I was just thinner. They get thinner and realize the problems are still there. Most people who get weight loss surgery regret it even after losing the weight.

Also be careful about exercise. Walking or running at 365 will destroy your knees, ankles and hips. You need to work with a doctor until you get to a more manageable weight. I realized you can only lose 2 to 5 lbs a week permanently. Fast weight loss is temporary weight loss. You have to get your mind ready as thist takes a lot of patience
It isn't easy to change what you eat because you have become used to it. I'm at 6'3 242lbs currently and to get to 220lbs is becoming a struggle. I started at 262lbs a few months ago. The problem is definitely in the diet. I also believe all of the chemicals they put into food nowadays is definitely not a good thing.
I’m fat as fuuuuuuuuu..... was at 325lb down to 308lb but man I just CAN’T get motivated. I have never done anything well alone, spent too much time alone as a kid and I think learned how to block out everything good and bad at that point and now it’s kinda biting me in the booty.
move tried to get a couple different people Into like a weight loss challenge but they just quit.
bet one dude 5:1 odds, my $500 to his $100 I could lose more than him in 2 months. He agreed and then quit his job and I never heard from him again lol.
my question is do any of y’all have any advice on how to get motivated? Maybe hada similar issue to me, how you overcome it?
It’s getting serious, I’m developing health issues that I’m sure are weight related and I just can’t bring myself to give enough of a damn to dedicate myself to weight loss...
I’ll take any an all advice at this point.
So I've never had like an obesity issue. I am genetically more of the thinner type build. Needless to say, as I aged I got use to Oh its just 5 lbs. Oh its just 5 more. I dated a chef. Her happiness came from making me things that were SOOOO good and she loved doing it. Then it became Oh its just 15. I reached 276 lbs. At 6'6" that still isn't like a fat man but for me I had had enough. I was "fixing" my problem by buying bigger clothes. Instead of FIXING my problem.

The first thing you need is a lifestyle change commitment. The next easy thing to do is get a phone app. I think I liked Simply Fit if I recall its name correctly. It kicks your butt when you make the wrong choices and it helps you set goals and helps you track your progress. Then you depend on noone but you. People will not intentionally, but methodically sabotage you. They don't do it to misdirect you, they just want you to take a direction that allows for cheating. After you establish what IS working for you, then find someone that can join in with the same things that work. Diets work. But not all diets work.

The next thing is, your body will sabotage you. It will tell you you are hungry and need to eat. The first few days are the worst. Your little voice says "Time to eat". Reality is, you need far fewer calories than you think you do. BUT the TYPE calories are your nest sabatour.

I went to Keto. That is like Adkins on steroids. No sugars as in no traditional sugars. Cane sugar, high fructose corn syrups etc. They are all carbs. The goal is to have 0 carbs if possible. You rarely can get 0 carbs for very long but as close to 0 as you can and your body goes into Ketosis. Once I hit Ketosis, I was losing 1-2 lbs a day. Its a bit of a pain to keep track of the carb vs fat ratio but it works.

OR you can take a simpler route. do NOT take in more calories than you need. In reality you can do a 1500-2000/day calorie intake and eat a lot of food if you pick the right foods.

My body does not like sugars, American beef and any food that comes in a box or can. Oh it consumes them with vigor, but it does not LIKE to process them. So it stores it into fat cells since it knows more food is soon to come. Once I deleted what it didn't like, I could replace it with anything it did like and I didn't gain a pound from it.

Exercise is also neccessary. I started out with aching hips, sore knees, puffy swollen joints. Keto was my first step. Exercise was added gradually. I started with goal of a half mile walk. Then a .75 mile walk. Then a mile. I made it up to 9.5 miles before I ran out of ways to add more miles where I happen to live. It takes a commitment of 2 hours to to 9.5 miles. If you can't commit to that don't make that a goal. I can set my watch by these walks almost to the minute. I also use those 2 hours to meditate or work out my weeks activity schedule etc. Find a way to take the grind away. Your body will begin to need it without you having to convince yourself.

I have no more swelling, no more aching anything. I have lost 65 lbs in about 9 months.

Now when I want a steak, I tear into it with the same vigor as I always did. But once in awhile like once every 2 months maybe. Same with sweets. I have come to adopt some of what I read in that our food system is NOT made to nourish us with naturally occurring foods. It's meant to SELL us the food they process for us. Beef in this country is filled with crap that was never intended. Processed sugars I believe are actually a toxin to our body. And highly addictive. Particularly when our food systems puts it in almost everything we consume to keep that drug in our system. In small quantities our body can manage it. If it can't, it stores it as fat to not deal with it.

Next tip. Keep chyt you shouldn't be eating, out of your house. The more you have to work for it, the more you start to remind yourself you shouldn't be. If it isn't there, if you are REALLY actually hungry, your brain and body will eat what you put into it to eat. Its not called junk food for nothing.

I am now in maintenance mode. I am at a great weight. So I can cheat more readily because I don't have much adjustment to need to get back. Now when I see 5 lbs I don't say its OK, I now say, I need to cut back for a day or so. Much easier range of freedom when you know how to make adjustments for results.

I will be happy to give you any inputs you might find helpful. YOU can do this. But you have to make the shift in your head that YOU will do it. What works for me may not work for you. I can eat a baked potato and not gain a lb. You might eat half a one and gain 2 lbs. So I am by no means a nutritionist or Dr or pro anything. I just needed to find out the keys to my metabolism and go with what works for me.

Rule to remember. You didn't get to your weight overnight, it won't go away overnight. And it was WAAAYYY more fun putting it on that it is taking it off. So you do need to find ways to stay motivated. Goals. Not I am going to lose 200 lbs goal. That will sabotage you. 5 lbs in a week is a goal. It may take you 2 weeks to meet that first 5 lb goal. But that means you probably will add up to 8 lbs by the first week you meet your 5 lb goal. Once you get the curve going, 10 lbs will be a weekly goal Before you know it 12 weeks goes by and you are at 120 lbs lost. Don't act shocked. You can lose 10 lbs in a week for a awhile because your body has a A LOT it can shed. You may find 15 is an obtainable goal once things head in the right direction.

When I hit 215. That last 5 lbs to 210 took a LOT more work that then first 25 lbs. When I got to my end goal, my body had learned it wasn't going to eat much, it had gotten used to it, but it didn't have the fat stores to draw from. So I knew that my better weight was 215-220. You will get the feedback but right now your feedback is your brain saying you need to eat.

One last thing. You do need to CHEAT once in awhile in the process. And you make that CHEAT day a goal. Your App will help there. You will see when you have room to cheat. So like Tues you know that if you stay on track, Sunday you get to hit a piece of steak or 3 beers etc. You will motivate to the cheat.

Otherwise you tend to abandon the diet because its depriving you too much.
I’ve been to the doc. My issues are hip and back. Otherwise I’m actually really healthy. Cholesterol, blood p, sugar etc... blood p was CLOSE to high but in normal range. Doc even laughed and told me I was the healthiest fat guy he knew... but I need to “un fat ASAP, before that changes” as he put it.
I was drinking 2-3...4... monsters a day. Cut those cold turkey and fml dude. Withdrawals felt like I was dying. Panic attacks, hyperventilating, horrible shakes and cold sweats, chills, blurred vision...
That was about a month ago and is where the almost 20lbs lost came from.
move been looking for others to do this with, but like I said, I’ve came up short constantly.
And I forgot to mention a part you already discovered. Those energy drinks, canned sodas, bottled sodas and diet drinks need to go. You can have sweet drinks but not those sweet drinks. There are healthy sugar substitutes. You'll never miss the sweets. My favorite treat that was totally fine to eat was cohoclote covered peanut butter fat bombs. Not kidding it's a thing. Man I could rip thru a pound of those NO problem.

You don't realize the CHYT you are consuming when you crack open a box, can or package. I kind of thought it was a bit of BS when people say that same message before. It's not only calories, it's the TYPE of calories.

Sugar is the worst calorie compared to the same calorie as honey. And the chemicals are a big part of the weight adds. They eff your metabolism up. Eff your chemistry up.

Look I'm not a health food guy at all. I'd eat a whole pecan pie and never say a harsh word about it. I LOVE a bag of chips etc.

But learn the term MODERATION. AFTER you conquer them. Cuz they are like crack to you right now.

Here is a real simple rule. If you look on the label and can't pronounce an ingredient you don't need to eat it.

Second go to carbohydrates on the label. Sugars=Carbohydrates. That number is per serving not per package. If it's 2 digits, do NOT pass go. They sneak in sugars by calling it all sorts of things. They all make Carbs. You want that to be less than 7 and as close to 0 as you can get.

Example an egg has .6 of 1 carb. I'll eat 6 of them in an omelette with bell peppers, onions and cheese. It takes 2 plates to eat them. :)

Total carbs is like 3.