
OK, I just read it and I'm confused because to me, this ex-trainer, Bridgette, didn't watch Blackfish at all...

Bridgette's goal would be to end animal entertainment and the breeding program and she claims the only goal of Blackfish and it's director is to "free the whales" and to win an Academy Award. I'm certain, having seen the documentary twice now, that the main goal of the film is to tell the plight of the whales being used for entertainment and profit, and the horrors of the fact that Tilly is really only being kept for their breeding program because they can't legally catch Orca in the wild anymore, and to end animal entertainment and breeding. I don't recall hearing that anyone believes we can just release these animals back to the wild (in Tilly's case; he's been captive for 30+ years now and most have never been wild having been born in captivity), but in fact the hope is to release them to open ocean PENS in the hopes that they'll live the most normal lives they have left - it's gotta be better than a swimming pool for profit.

I question Bridgette's motives; perhaps sour grapes over not having a key role in the film or getting credit? She didn't shed any light IMHO other than a gross misunderstanding from what I've taken from the film :dunno:
Honestly Chris, I think many want change, and many want to fight corruption and greed, but in the end, common man feels very powerless when standing up against corporate giants. We don't have the means to hire the legal dream teams they have, and they know it. Want to be mad? Research Monsanto and how much a single corporation has been allowed to ruin the common farmer, all backed by out very own government. How does a farmer fight such a monster? How do 20 farmers fight? 1000? They try, they lose because our government has allowed that corporation to patent seeds, and now whenever the common farmer plants that same crop he's been planting for generations, Monsanto comes along and claims the small farmer's crop is contaminating their patented seeds, and they win case after case after case until the farmers either comply and buy Monsanto seeds or go under...

I know that we the people have the power to band together and force change, but it's the banding together en mass that never seems to work, and this country is so divided, I'm not sure you'll ever get enough on one side of a subject to ever exact the change necessary...because of this complacency, we continue to lose rights and oftentimes we are completely unaware that they are even being taken away...

Back to the original subject - I've read enough to know that there are a lot of people that see what Sea World has done and they will never support it again, but I see almost as many that 1) don't care and 2) just don't see the truth - they see something different entirely, they think we know more about these creatures because of Sea World and they will support their cause, so again, a nation divided. That's our biggest problem...

via Samsung Galaxy SIII

va ... the answer to what do we have to fight this is called...UNIONS....i know...BOOOOOO....but we organize according to LAW...we fight...according to LAW...we negotiate...according to LAW....and we hold cooperation to the LAWFUL CONTRACTS they have negotiated with when the greedy corporation DOES NOT WANT TO ABIDE BY THE CONTRACT...WE THE UNION ARE THE ONES NOT WILLING TO FIGHT FAIR??........ sorry but too many rant UNION THUGS...while middle class....IS GONE!!! we fight for fair wages...not an economy that .001% has 99% of the money....which by the way...IS THE CURRENT STATUS OF BALANCE IN AMERICA...i dont want socialism...i want FREE MARKET AND ANTI MONOPOLY AND ANTI TRUST LAWS ENFORCED. oh and yes...LABOR LAWS enforced that allows workers to organize and negotiate with the company's they HELP MAKE THE SAVE THE BABY'S...and the wales
If people want to see animals Theresa channel called animal planet tat shows them better than you can ever see them. I RUFUSE to go t zoo's (Anima Prisons) also . If you think that they are ok then you can go to jail for a bit an your mind will change.