Kim and I normally go (last few years.). It's a great time and we have seen very few problems there.
This year we are planning a West Virginia trip around the same time. Kim wants to see where I grew up and stuff. I was born in Buckhannon WV, where they just had that mining tragedy.
If we don't go north, we will be at MB for the week. I'll let you know at the bash in April, we should know by then.
ALSO, keep in mind that the dates you posted are for "white bike week", per say. There will be very few "sport" bikes there during those dates. All of the vendors there will be cruiser/hardley related. However, there is reportedly fewer "problems" during that week.
"black bike week" is normally around memorial day. That event focuses mostly on sport bikes and the vendors are similar. There is more Bullshid and problems to deal with during that period. ie. some stores close, ocean blvd is ONE WAY as to prevent cruising, cops have a hard on for tickets, etc.
Kim and I have been to both and have never had any problems to report. Personally I like going to "grey" bike week (period between events). The hardley stuff is leaving and the sport stuff is comming. That way we get the best of both worlds.
my two cents,