Bike starts sneezing and wont start until abt a mi

Sorry to give you bad news, but your starter clutch and starter need to be upgraded to an 03 and up set-up. The 02's are to have a starter clutch issue, witch usually end up with broken engine cases! So, you need to STOP TRYING TO START THIS BIKE!!!! And have a mechanic look at it! If you dont you will have a very expense repair!
There is one piece from Schnitz racing that will help, here's the link!
Starter bushing!
There is a lot of info on this subject over on, just do a search!

Also scroll down on the attached link, theres info there also!
srry bro! was out of town for few days with no access to internet. now if its a TSB then can i get it fixed at their cost? if so what do i have to do?
(xzvs @ Aug. 12 2007,18:04) Once again-- I think the 02's have a starter clutch recall--if it is not repaired it can break the case somehow.
Never was a recall
99-02 starters were known to cause problems if you let your battery get low and held the button too long