Best windscreen for the $$


Best windscreen for the $ ?

I need to replace my oem windscreen - an errant 2x4 put some nice scratches in it this past fall. I like the oem color and style, but the cost I imagine is double what an AM screen costs. Looking at Lockhart, Puig, Zero Gravity and Sportech. Who has the best stock replacement with the best fit and looks nearest the original with a nice thick screen like the original? I've read some reviews but they're from other types of bikes and not all of these fit well from what I've seen. Nice to know what other Busa owners use and what performs the best. An original would be great but mine only made it 2 years before showing stress fractures and I have never once used any cleaning product aside from Bike Spirits on it so I'm sure it's not an ammonia problem. The 2x4 just helped push the need for replacement since some of the spidery fractures are getting big.

I could be swayed by one like this if the brand is great despite the fact that it's a change from the oem style.
Sportech Carbon Fiber Series Windscreen Suzuki :: New Enough Motorcycle Hard Parts
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zero gravity-double bubble. i think i may seek the sport touring screen next time tho. my DB broke when the bike got dumped.
i have the zg sport tourer and love it, but it dont look oem, i also have a yani shhiki thing type r and its junk
Love my Puig. Excellent fit and finish.
Love my Zero Gravity dbl bbl..bought the red tinted one that exactly matches the color of my 2007 Candy Sonoma Red 'Busa


2007 Busa.JPG
I have the sport tech blue chrome DB it exept the fit is not what it should be at the end of the fairing / behind the mirros.

I really like my zero gravity double bubble, however, I suppose the true test will be at the March Texas Mile :race: As long as you stay with Puig or Zero Gravity or something along those lines you will prob like whatever you get. If your going for looks just google around and see what you like.

Puig a little expensive but they are the best beside the vario or touring version for that type riding.I keep most colors of the puig in stock.
As you can see, everyone has their favorites. Which one is best?

Ask 5 people and get 5 answers. We do this thread every couple months.

What no one in mentioning is they all look different. Find a look and style you like and get it.

Then post pics. :thumbsup:

I have 5 different screens for the Busa. Like to rotate them through the seasons. I like the ZG SR screen the best as it compliments the long-low-fast look the busa has.

Tim, I kind of figured it would be between Puig and ZG, but fit info about the Sportech helps rule them out. Never would consider a YS, haven't read anything positive about them. I like to keep the nose clean and low like you mentioned. The db's look nice, just not really what I'm after. I think if ZG is up there in quality I'll likely go with them on the oem style screen. I saw a thread awhile back about some guys having problems w/ Puig screens but can't remember the outcome or if was self-induced (ammonia used on them for example). I like to mount my camera in the stem from time to time so despite the cool factor of the smokes or colored screens I think I'll have to stick w/ a screen closer to the oem tint. Btw - didn't I read about a group buy in January for screens at Pashnit? ;)
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I chose the sportech cause of the smooth lines for the creased lines, the blue chrome was a close color match, BUT here is a close-up of the fitment thats OK....thu zeroGravity seams to fit alot nicer.



I love my Puig. Although, I did have to take it off after install to put some Black Electrical Tape along the bottom edge to eliminate a buzzing sound from vibration at certain RPM. You can not see it once re-installed, and at 6'5", I find most of the wind gets directed up and over me at Highway speed. Very happy. If it broke today, I would order the same one again. Motorcycle Super store was who I ordered mine from....fwiw