Hey guys,and gals, I got a quick question for ya. What are some of the better(CHEAPER) insurance companies out there? I've called three different places so far and for me, 31 years old, clean driving rec, have and have had my class M1 for 8 years, for a 2008 hayabusa i've been quoted;
FULL COVERAGE 1st place 168.00/mo 2nd place 180.00/mo 3rd plasce 205.00/mo
BASIC COVERAGE 1st place 163.00/A YEAR 2nd place 167.00/A YEAR 3rd plasce 170.00/A YEAR!!!!!!!

DOES THIS SOUND RIGHT? the FULL coverage is rediculous 2000.00 a year and basic 160.00 a year!!! something does not seem right to me, can some of you please tell me what insurance companies you use and rates? PLEASE HELP
Alot of us have had good luck with State Farm. But not everyone scores a good deal there. Best to keep shopping around.
I pay $27 a month full coverage with State Farm. To get a good bike price you will have to have a car policy with them also.
state farm requires a vehicle with them also, to insure a bike. but you can remove the vehicle if you find cheaper CAR insurance ANNND keep the bike with state farm. they cant remove the bike from a policy just because you removed the car.

$400 a year full coverage. '06 hayabusa paid off in full. age 42, no tickets.

good luck
What state an city cause we getting rapped here lowest quote i got was 2000.00 a yr.w/geico. I called them all highest was progressive 7K a year. Maybe there is law that they have to at least give u a quote
cause they should a just said we won't insure u age 42 no tickets 24 yrs motorcycle endorsement with safety class. And they HAD my auto insurance till they gave me the quote. Non home owner. I think they give a discount if u a home owner.
Don't mention the word Hayabusa. Its a GSX1300R. I went with Nationwide for four bikes and my car. Great deal.