Ok, I would like to Invite the Bay Area Boys and the Nor-Cal Boys for a Ride up and Down the Downeville Area. SIR: "OZZ"
from El Dorado will be Hosting the Run. Pardini will Grace US with his Presence. Hopefully(PACEMASTER) and (CCBUSA05) will join us also
RAYDOG !!!!!!!! SIR RAY of DOGVILLE ??? The Road is Calling !!!!!!!!!!
Details to Follow but it might be a 9:00 AM Meeting at the Chevron on Latrobe and Highway 50.
Lets ROLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RAYDOG !!!!!!!! SIR RAY of DOGVILLE ??? The Road is Calling !!!!!!!!!!
Details to Follow but it might be a 9:00 AM Meeting at the Chevron on Latrobe and Highway 50.
Lets ROLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!