Things are crazy here at work. My Supe went on emergency leave again, we're still short one body and to top it off, we have a program evaluator coming out in the next several weeks.
I've been expediting my acquisition of Carpel Tunnel as well as shortening my life span by adding unwelcome amounts of stress to my daily intake of crap.
The bike still runs good, although I was privy to a revelation late last night: I hate crosswalks.
Nothin like leanin into a turn when it's wet and hitting the patch of paint on the crosswalk on barely scrubbed tires. Add coral-based roads into the mix and you get quite a generous amount of seat cushion lodged in your posterior region.
But aside from that, life is still sh!t stew. Today's serving is a little bit on the runny side...with chunks generously distributed throughout mine stew.
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