And it continues...


Call me Daddy...
Donating Member
Just got word from Tom at Veltune that the "glow job" on my GEN III BDE/Hindle is done and ready to be shipped. Should go out today or tomorrow. He also posted a pic of my can and midpipe in the classified section. This is my can and pipe!

Looks like a great polish job, Tom. I can't wait to get that thing on my bike!!! :super:
And What about headers Bro??? Or are these slip ons?:super: You been holding out? Or did I miss something?
Should be a full system the mid-pipe is give away...Man that looks good polished... :biggrin:
Looks great BT! I was watching the thread where you purchased this, great price! Isn't this board awesome?!?!?

Lookin' good BT, I'll bet sounding good too. Why did you chose Hindle and is that a slip-on system?
Thanks. It's a full system with headers. The pic just shows the parts that were polished by Tom @ Veltune. My final decision was between Muzzy and Hindle. I mainly chose the Hindle because of it's manners when not running WFO. In my line of work some folks just love to complain on me about something... ANYTHING. So, I try to fly below the radar for the most part and avoid drawing unnecessary attention to myself.

From what I gathered the BDE isn't too loud unless you're on it hard. Kinda subtle until it has to be mean. So, I should be able to cruise at sane levels without "waking up the neighbors" but still have a good flowing, nice sounding system when I am playing. I usually pick and choose when and where I play very carefully. At those times I don't care how loud it is. The Hindle should fit my needs perfectly. Not to mention being a little different, especially since Tom hooked it up with teh glow job. A polished Ti Hindle should stand out... :wink:
Thanks gararnett, Michelle and Stunnah. Michelle, I'll definitely be posting pics after the install. :biggrin:

Stunnah, as usual, is on top of his game. :super:
Very nice!


Hurry up and install that bad boy.  I finished mine last week and it's a night and day difference!  If I could only keep the front end on the ground, I should be able to get mid 9's out of her!

I would post pics but I am having computer problems at the house and can't burn the pics to a CD to load at work.  Soon though...........

Josh :cool:

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looks pretty sweet! It will definitely stand out and good luck keeping it clean!

Hurry up and install that bad boy.  I finished mine last week and it's a night and day difference!  If I could only keep the front end on the ground, I should be able to get mid 9's out of her!

I would post pics but I am having computer problems at the house and can't burn the pics to a CD to load at work.  Soon though...........

Josh :cool:
Which system did you go with? I remember a thread about it laying in the living room but don't remember which system it was. Did you actually feel a power difference after the install of a full system?

I can't wait to hear it on my busa at full song! My only real regret is that I won't have leather in time to do 1/4 mile testing in stock form this year. By next season it'll be modded with PCIIIR & exhaust at the very least and probably more. I'm kind of leaning toward a big bore kit (1397) So, I won't have stock times to compare to. Should have some decent times when I'm done though. :devil:
BT, would ya do me a favor and weigh the system before you install it? I want to buy a light exhaust and Hindle/HMF are my 2 I am eyeballin'. I sure could use the info. Thanks, -Bill
I'll try to get it to some scales and get you some numbers. Not sure where to weight an exhaust though. Maybe some postal scales at my Father's business... I'll see what I can do.