An unusual problem


Still not got my busa house been on the market for four months not sold yet. Now to my problem I have diabetes and this has caused damaged nerves to the soles of my feet which makes them feel quite numb. Has anyone else got this problem or similar and does it affect their riding ability. I don't want to buy my busa and not be able to ride the thing. I don't know anyone with a bike so I can't check this out and theres no dealer around here so I can't go for a test drive. Thank you Dave.
You may end up needing to do something with the foot positioning on the bike when do get one. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle before? What about a sportbike? Just asking because most people consider them pretty cramped to start with.
Sorry about your condition. Did you get a chance to discuss your questions above with your doctor???
I think you'd have issues feeling the rear brake lever. Also, don't go to a solid mount rear set like the vortex like i did. The vibration will make your feet go numb very quickly imo. I have nerve damage in my back that effects my toes. I rarely use the back brake because of fear that i'll not be able to modulate it accordingly. I suggest good boots, as always, but good boots incase you have a hang up coming to a stop light. I generally lead with my heels so i can find the ground and hold myself properly. It's just one of those quirks, I would suggest riding a moped or something tiny to begin with, if you have issues with your feet on a moped, you don't need to be on a 1300. I wouldn't suggest testing your feet on something with foot forward controls, it's different when you can see your feet. seems silly, and sounds stupid, but it's a reality.
You may need to change your seat someone posted about a better seat helping with circulation problems, whatever the case be careful :beerchug:
Just the soles or your whole foot? Could ride with your feet more to the rear with the toes of your feet on the pegs for better fell
I used to be a dispatch rider and had a gs 750 a long time ago so I have riden before. It's just the soles of my feet that are quite numb, somedays worse than others. About the doctor good idea I never thought of that although I do take tablets which help alot I'll ask about it. Thanks for the help Dave.
definatly talk to the doctor...there has been alot of advances in care....and :welcome: