America’s youth?

Hell, parliament can't even figure out how to physically control the border they'd have in Ireland, let alone deal with Scotland's desire to stay in the EU....messy is an understatement!
but I say "We are all greater than the worst thing we ever did." ok... so I stole that line... but I like it
still is a lot of hatred.... and I don't care what they say.. they are racist against americans.
Many are anti-American...all the US troops were bugging me for little Canadian flag pins. I think their hatred comes from fear.
This was fake news. There is now footage of the native American walking up and getting in the face if the kid with the MAGA hat. There was also another group harassing the kids just because they had MAGA hats on!! They were calling them the result of inbreeding and worse...
Not only that but a guy a few minutes earlier passed those caps out to the boys, and it is very odd about who he was and why he was giving caps out.
To blame societal problems on one political party, or a single profession, or the last president is to ignore history. The lack of respect that the 35 and younger crowd has for authority didn't just materialze in the last 10 years. It likely stems from exactly what was stated earlier in this thread, they have been catered to and coddled their entire lives and have thus developed an incredible sense of entitlement. The Republican party is failing Americans just like the Democratic party is, just in different ways. The current anti-global economy, anti-climate change, anti-scientific, anti-immigrant rhetoric being spouted by the morons on the right is just as nonsensical as the anti-religious, anti-competitive, anti-personal responsibility, anti-blame laying bullshit!t being trumpeted on the left. Obama wasn't the problem, Trump isn't the problem, the problem is the people have become complacent and lazy. We don't think critically, we accept what we're told. We live in a time where we have unprecedented access to information, but we increasingly surround ourselves with those who say they're like us, and reinforce values they'd like us to hold. I've said it before, many times, and I'll keep saying it: we have far more in common with each other than we have dividing us, but until we focus on our similarities, those who would rule us will continue to amplify our differences. Divide and conquer, distract and dominate. It's an age old technique, and it works.
Good post. It is very telling that all the leaders of all the groups listed above play golf with each other at the end of the day, and that is just the activity they will let you see :shocked:. We are all being played, some are just dug in too far to see it.
im getting a lil misty eyed here... thanks yellow.
It is an auto response to any "living with the folks" statement to ridicule it. Even though you were more or less kidding I think that 100+ years ago the family unit working together, such as a three generation farm/ranch, was a good system. The great generation came from that kind of stability and contributed to success in WWII. We certainly would not have faired well if WWII was in 1995 - now.
It's been over a year and a half...

Brexit has passed, how have things changed??

Do any of our EU and UK posters see much of a difference or is it too soon?

With all the other crap going on these days, this has kind of gone by the wayside.
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