Sorry Thinker not a suggestion just a warning.
A buddy of mine bought a brand new GIX1100 about 6 years back and took it directly to the shop to have an alarm installed.
Next day he's at my place showing off his bike and his remote start alarm.
We're standing around 100' away from the bike and he hits the remote start button to show off that feature.
Guess he forgot to leave it in neautral when he walked away........and the bike jumped about 5' ahead and crashed down on the gravel driveway.
Guess he should have had a remote start safety installed too.
Ended up majorly scratching the front fairing, left side panel, breaking the mirror off, scratching the hell out of the left can, and left rear panel, footpeg, barend, and lever.
The bike had 40klms on it at the time.
A few days later he purchased every part brand new from Zuk.
Cost: $2900 CDN with taxes and install.
Crappy lesson for him to learn!!!!!