A silly thought came to mind, so here is a puzzle for you


My CPU never idles, at least lately. It's a blessing and a curse at the same time. As I was falling asleep, a silly thought entered my mind. After a short struggle, I realized that this thought is absolutely useless, but for some reason it has to be preserved. My sleep was ruined. The brightest thing I could come up with was to simply post about it...

A computer memory stack and a shotgun... what do they have in common?

Hint 1: It's a four letter word. Not what you think, because...

Hint 2: This word is always written in caps.
Have you ever heard - Never say always and never say never?

Not sure exactly what you meant by a "memory stack" ? Did or could you have meant a stick?

My guess would/could be LOCK.
Spelling is correct.

Nope, not LOCK... you could write 'Lock', or 'lock'.

arch, I pinched myself and it hurt - so, not a dream, LOL

Hint 3: I just did a Google search on this word while typing it in lower case. All search results mention this word in caps.
LIFO --- Last In First Out.

Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding... We got a winner!
