88 guests and 1 user?


Why are there 88 "guests" and 1 user (me) on the random thoughts thread? Ive lurked before on bike forums but it has always been on a technical part of a forum where I needed some info on a bike I'm working on. I've never lurked on the entertainment or random / off topic side of a forum if I was not a member. I just dont get it and Ill say to you lurkers / guests reading this just register already and come out of the shadows. I keep feeling like someone is staring in the windows of my house. :hide:

There are currently 1 members and 4 guests viewing this thread right now. We either have some weird voyeurs here or something else.
I notice that a lot too voodoo but I don't mind. This is an awesome site that has a great group of members and is chalked full of information pertaining to busas but other stuff in life as well. Take pride in people "peeking" in to see what you have to say and what's on your mind :whistle: