1st post!  Busa/Bandit


Hi Guys, Sorry to register just to be a pain in the a$$, but I've been a rider for 35 years, and I know fellow riders will treat me right!!

  Here's my deal, I just got an 07 Bandit 1250, and it's got the biggest damn muffler you've ever seen!

So, I'm looking for a "reasonably" sized, suitable oem replacement, that is in NEW condition. Of course  a 'Busa or Gixxer forum is the natural place to ask!!

I've seen like new mufflers on Ebay go cheap, but they never have the midpipe.  My muffler has no flange, so I would need at least part of the midpipe to have something to clamp to, 'cuz I doubt I'd be lucky enough for the midpipe to be even close. I'd have to go with a stainless coupler clamp.

  So, in researching this idea, if someone would be so kind, can I get some measurements, PLEASE???

The length of the can itself,
diameter of the can,
O.D. of the mid pipe near the flange

also, I'm assuming the midpipe is polished stainless? what about the muffler?

Better yet, does anyone own BOTH bikes, and can compare for me?

Thanks guys,  I do apologize if anyone is offended by my intruding, but I really don't want an aftermarket pipe, I don't care about the sound, just the SIZE!!

Welcome to the oRg. Be patient, someone that knows will chime in shortly. Just need the right people to see the thread. Again welcome!
I have a Busa and a Bandit 1250. I can't think of why you would want a Busa or GSXR exhaust since the Busa and GSXR owners replace them with something better. By Bandit is bone stock. The only mods I'm even thinking about are grip warmers and cruise control since it is mostly a commuter bike.

If you're going to replace the can (and it is huge) do it right. Go with an after market system.

I'm not endorsing them, I just found them on Google. There are plenty of others I'm sure.
Holeshot Website