15 Year Old NGK's

I did clean the throttle bodies and even vacuumed the holes before pulling the plugs. Probably silly but I do. She is so responsive now and I really didn't realize how it snuck up on me over the years. She pulls like a freight train again!

Don’t forget to clean the throttle bodies, tune the balance shaft and get some pie
Bad tune and bad gas can destroy a set of plugs. Having two six carb CBXs I learned early on how valuable a proper tune is. Synching was key for proper burn rates, flow and cylinder temps. Run it, heat gun each pipe, shampoo and repeat.:laugh: Six plugs at a time can get expensive.


My tbs may also be out of sync adding to the problem. I'm alllmoooost to the point I feel comfortable taking it to get tuned just a few more issues to square away. Shes fine at part throttle, pretty good at wot, but the decel is super rich. I had frank flash the ecu and the bike ran much better. The old ecu tune was just plain terrible.