~~~   So, fess up   ~~~


oRg Gal
Staff member
Since we're all on the subject...keep it clean fellas!

I stopped getting jewelry from the hubby...
I will get married when I can HONESTLY GUARENTEE I will NOT STOP GIVING to someone. I'm not a fan of the bait and swap trick. Also, I would provide her an environment where she wants to keep giving too.... allow the time, the attention to keep doign what WE like. I WILL practice what I preach. So far, they have all been too wrapped up in life to know what life is REALLY about. And they didn't understand how or why I wanted to keep "the chase" going. So, I shouldn't be posting in this thread since I said nothing useful

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What stopped?

Weight loss.

Been married almost 11 yrs...and gained about 30 lbs!

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ok i got married and she tried to tell me that the bike had to go and my riding was gone so we had a talk more like an arguement and after a month off her tellin me to sell it i told her ok i got some papers for you to sign divorce
I will get married when I can HONESTLY GUARENTEE I will NOT STOP GIVING to someone.  I'm not a fan of the bait and swap trick.  Also, I would provide her an environment where she wants to keep giving too.... allow the time, the attention to keep doign what WE like.  I WILL practice what I preach.  So far, they have all been too wrapped up in life to know what life is REALLY about.  And they didn't understand how or why I wanted to keep "the chase" going.  So, I shouldn't be posting in this thread since I said nothing useful  
Oh, it's all so easy when you're an outsider looking in!

So full of hope...so sure of how it will be...I recall that...
What stopped..? My life...

Wouldn't change it..
20 years married..3 beautiful kids.. Bliss ....mostly
Yeah No kidding post up ONLY and ONLY if your married... Otherwise... You have nothing valid to add.
But I love ya WWJD...

- I quit going to the clubs nearly so much...
- I quit hanging around the house alone.
- I quit worrying about who I can and cannot trust.
- I quit not letting anyone know where I was heading.
- I quit serving only my needs and wants.
- I quit being the most important thing in my life.
- I quit sleeping with other women...mostly.

- I quit doing dishes.
(messed up but sorta true much to her displeasure)
- I quit screwing around, and got my sh!d together.

We no longer eat nearly as much McDonalds
We no longer hang up if we're having an argument
We actually get UP at 0700 not get home at 0700

Seriously, I dunno what the hell happens to some folks when they get married. It's as if they have become business partners, or fuggin competing firms. I have seen first hand some great couples (Joker and TKM) that just have it worked out. Is it all Huggy and kissy? Well yeah frequently, but you can just tell they are solid. No Drama. No huge Ordeals...

I dunno why so many couples out there have such a miserable time, stop having Sex, and stop loving one another. It's messed up. If your still married to man or women you don't like? GET THE HELL OUT... Things will be better for everyone. If your not happy at home, then your screwed. I watched guys at work who would stay late even when they didn't have too just to avoid going home to the wife and family... DAYUM, how messed up is that and if your in that situation move the hell on... Life's too short to be miserable 50% of the time...

Work it out, and find a happy place... Or move on and go hike across Europe or something.
Well getting married didn't stop much but havig KIDS did. I guess what I miss the most are our romantic trips to the beach. We are lucky just to get our once a year romantic anniverary dinner alone together..haha
Ahhh, thanks Rev!!

I was waiting for GJoker to post up, but he'll just be a smart a$$ anyway.

I was really scared about getting married. I thought that everything GJoker was/did/thought would change. He just kept telling me that it's just a piece of paper, it didn't change anything. I've seen it change many a people, so I had a hard time believing him.

Well we've been married 12 years now and nothing has changed. We've overcome obstacles, realized several dreams, and are still in love (well most days..

When you find the right one, it's all good.

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I plead the 5th on grounds I might say something hateful ..

As long as I still have my kids I will always be happy..