Lets see your helmet!!

Love my shoei

I was talking to mockin u. But I guess you can answer my question as well seeing as how you have alot of helmets with custom work.

oh, I thought you were talking to forbidden.....I had it done at gzsigndesign in roselle illinois. they have a website. I could post what I paid but it would not be what they charged you. You know how that goes with friends and such. hit them up and see what they would do it for as its printed vinyl. Its not paint. Forbidden's work he gets done is super clean and is in paint.
@mockin u

the guy that does my work is definately ready to incure a few more jobs, he has done quite afew in almost anything that you can think of. His name is Pete Frechette. Tell him "junior" referred you. You can mail it to him and he'll get it done and back out to u
Just got the RF-1100 Warlord. It's even cooler now that it's no longer an available design.

just cant help myself

busa = rf1000
arai vector = cookie monster
weapon helmet = speed n strength

soon to arrive RPM silver Scorpion EXO 1000


