What's the longest swingarm you've seen?

When the Fairings and the Rear Wheel do not share the same zip code it may be a little too long

This is a little to long for me. JMO
Dear god why?! I feel bad having a 62" bike and considering moving up to 64". I can't talk myself into 64 because i feel that it's too long!
I like looking at them. Someone went to a lot of time and money to work on these bikes. We dont have understand it, they werent built to ride.
i like the red tool box mounted, you could use it like a freeway rescue bike, the streched swingarm is like that thing the big freeway trucks have behind there truck to take a full speed impact... :rofl:
Some feel that longer is a bigger WOW effect like putting on a 500 tire. At some point there is a ??? that minamizes the wow :laugh:
now im all motovatied, im going to take a 42" irok tire off my fj40 and grab my ten foot ladder and make me a long swingarm :laugh:







:laugh: Now Iv seen it all. Cant realy see that skinny SS arm, but looks WAY TO LIGHT for an SS arm. And I sure hope the supframe is REALY beefed up for that 3rd seat?
Sorry Im always one for creativity.....but that one......??? ( could NOT find the puke smiley)
That makes absolutely no sense at all. Ridiculous.
Yep. That looks totally retarded. The owner must have some huge heifers to haul around on that, eh?

Don't these people realise that they're being laughed at?
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