Moving On


Formerly known as viperblackbusa.
Welp, after a ton of reflection and time since i sold my turbo busa, i have decided to leave Suzuki all-together. They have been a disappointment to me for a few years now and just keep failing miserably when it comes to busas etc. The gen 3 as far as i am concerned is a complete wash. I was bored and totally unimpressed with it when i tested my buddies. I have moved on to Ducati for now as i found something baddass and comfortable as well as stylish. see pics.

It has been a blast here for the past 2+ decades and i have loved all my busas over the years, and i have had a ton of them. Everything from base stock right up to turbo and nutz. Ride safe out there and see you all on the flip side.

I sort of feel ya. I was hoping they'd do a factory turbo Busa. Or some fairly substantial new trendsetting engineering. The Bus had a great run, but I think Suzuki is just re-aligning away from Big CC and teching up in the litre bikes. And I can see why when they look at cost per unit and sales numbers.

I loved then and still love now the bike that set the new benchmark for art and tech and speed rolled into one in the 1st Gen.

My personal interest are also shifting. I need comfort and space. I don't need to set the cruise at 140 and do that tankfuls at a time. I'm at the set the cruise at 80, turn up the tunes, prop the legs up and rest my back in the backrest. Talk to my rear passenger in normal talking levels. Not worrying about cops. Or if cars recognize this is a big enough profile to register. And have storage that's ridiculously large enough to pack in some souvenirs. Pull a little camper. With a stove and A/C in it.

Spend weeks on it at a time.

Suzuki isn't making nothing close to that. A Busa based bagger would have found my $$. Now Honda gets it.
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