As i thought C19 was a Wuhan lab leak - It was never a conpiracist theory

The scales of power are shifting

China broker deal between Saudi and Iran
The west could never have done that !!!!!

I seriously doubt this is the only chapter in this. First of all if anyone needs help in the deal it's Iran. Not KSA. Second I think KSA is going to play China and Iran like a cheap fiddle in this deal. Third. These countries have hated one another for about 3000 years. They aren't about to change for China, the U.S. or anyone else.

Until one is eliminated completely the other will never stop.

Check back in 6 months.

It's a good hit piece on Biden though.
Hi. How it is raccoon done the bat cats or who knows!!!!!!!!!! BUT I KNOW it was Randy Marsh and Mi ky Mouse when they went to could not have come from a labeled. Even whe a few workers got sick and had to be taken to a vet because they had a bat for lunch. Maybe they had a Ra cool dog for dinner? Or the got sick in the labeled and that is how it got out.
Hi. How it is raccoon done the bat cats or who knows!!!!!!!!!! BUT I KNOW it was Randy Marsh and Mi ky Mouse when they went to could not have come from a labeled. Even whe a few workers got sick and had to be taken to a vet because they had a bat for lunch. Maybe they had a Ra cool dog for dinner? Or the got sick in the labeled and that is how it got out.
The stuff I write comes out a little choppy sometimes...

However... you really need to think through some of the stuff you write.

I know we are pretty much on the same constitutional page on most subjects... just take a little more time to compose what you want to say.
I do not believe what the guardian say
I say Follow the science it all points to Wuhan laboratory

If a virus happened 3 miles from Porton Down ( Uk bio weapons site) everyone would have pointed to that

All the UK press all signed up to the trusted news agenda , UK government and the BBC controlled the narrative.
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The scales of power are shifting

China broker deal between Saudi and Iran
The west could never have done that !!!!!

The bigger part to this and the main reason China did this, is to be able to buy oil with the Yuan. They have formed the BRIC now. Cutting the U.S. completely out. All of the major oil producers are now aligning with China.

Thanks Unca Joe.
The bigger part to this and the main reason China did this, is to be able to buy oil with the Yuan. They have formed the BRIC now. Cutting the U.S. completely out. All of the major oil producers are now aligning with China.

Thanks Unca Joe.
Based on all the political graft taking place with Joe it seems he is playing a part in helping China be an even bigger force for totalitarian control.

Joe is following the Obama doctrine of "down with America" because Hussain despises this country. That is why he went around apologizing for American exceptionalism and bowing to the Saudis. Then Joe goes and begs for increased oil production from the Saudis while we sit on reserves that can easily make us again a net exporter of petroleum products.

All of this makes me wonder who is running this world... why are stupid and idiotic decisions being made at the highest levels in the White House and the 2 governing bodies in DC? We use to have people in office that genuinely cared about how this country was run and the policies that protected freedom for people and sovereignty for this nation as well as other nations. Some will say... well, we have been supporting the Ukrainians fight Russia with over a 100 billion ( advertised, probably much more because they lie about everything ) in military hardware. There we go again... fighting a war halfway around the world... how did all those other wars halfway around the world turn out? What do we have in reserve for fighting a war that we must win if it were to break out here?

The control of the worlds energy supplies is easy to comprehend when you understand what the term "Strategic oil Reserves" means.

Why did Joe release some of our Strategic oil Reserves? Surely somebody here knows why.
Hi. Check out Dr David Martin vids on covid. There is to sides to every story.
Hi. Look in to who tje WHO set thrnselfs so the could not be prosacuted for any thing that they do? Why would set themselfs up like that? ? Did they plan to do crimes in the futute? Look it all up. Was couid around in 1966 66 67? It goes very very deep. Check out snake venum and the water system. Follow the money always follow the money. Check out Pfizer and Dr Fauci and his wife. You may not get this info from GOOGLE you may have to go to a different surch site like Duck Duck Go or and dogpile. I think I may have a link to it all. What I was told was out of this world. Pfizer is being sued it is all in the cout records.
yes i have seen David Martin's vids , you will not find him on Google or any of the Trusted News Media which was set up my the BBC and includes most media outlets including Facebook Youtube in UK, EU and USA. Free speech has been gagged