Who says research should be boring!


Honesty is the best policy?

I'd probably give him a buck just for being honest.
I usually kick them , sometimes even spit on them , then I ask them ... "What are YOU gonna do with a quarter , open a fuggin' business ? "

kiddin....kiddin... calm down .

HAhahaha got ya.......

Actually , I really do fug with 'em . If they're passed-out I've even bin know to urinate on them .


To tell you the truth...I rarely give to panhandlers/beggers/bums/street urchins/lasy-assed fugs/scumbags/or whatever is todays "Politically Correct" terminology .

What can cause me to toss 'em a coupa' bucks is if they have a dog . If they have somehow managed to secure the love an' trust of a dog , I've been known to hit the closest market, buy the dog a can of food , an' take it back to them .

Ahhhh, but alas , I have wandered , yet again .

Cool pic .

Hav a good 1.......RSD .
Never given money, but I have given them my lunch before. I might buy this guy a bottle of Colt 45 or Schlitz for the honesty.
My side job is next to the river bottem where all them kinda folk live, we call it the condos or tent city. Can't give them $ but we do give em h2o when they ask.

Hey, it's desert!