? to those who did 16t mod

If you have ever seen what happens when a chain breaks it is not pretty. At BEST it smashes into the cases and ventilates everything to the atmosphere.

Never, never, ever mix different pitch sprockets and chains! Especially when you are feeding it 150+hp.
yup -- I figuered as much -- it sat up till my 530/16t showed up -- went on shake down run today and no complaints so far. found that i didn't have to up/down shift in the twisties so much and the engine braking seemed better too. I do have to make a mount for my gps tho -- coudn't read it at speed with sunglasses on thru the tank bag "window".
Get that 530 like they said , NEVER use the wrong size. And You are going to like the 16 tooth as long as you like wheelies!
Next question -- I get a lot more drivetrain noise with the 16t -- is this normal? I am going to have a look at chain tension alignment and such this weekend. Its been on a couple hunnert mile trip with no ill effects tho (other than noise)
Yep, gonna be more noise. My jt front "sings" like Brittany Spears. The rubber on the stock front is for noise, vibration and harshness control....
Hm.. Well poo

Do you still have the 520 front sprocket? I don't think running a full 520 conv with a stock busa will cause any real problems if the chain isn't to tight or to lose.

I wish I could dyno a Busa before and after a 520 conv setup. I bet it'll give ya 5RWHP+ The 520 is so much lighter than the 530 and only has a slightly weaker chain. Turbo Busas may cause problems but not a stock Busa for shur.

Thats on my todo list +1