Hayabusa Owners Group

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"the more things change..."

engines:  umm, lets see direct injection, thats new, hybrids a common sight, thats new, E85 (flexfuel) vehicles, thats new, yeah, so sure the common 4 cycle process hasnt gone away, but how many variable intake/ and variable cam motors were around 35 years ago, or how about 6 cylinders that crank out 300+ horses from the factory, i would say suck squeeze bang blow has come a long way....

Wait WAIT!!!  And should I mention that my car has no pistons, no reciprocating mass, and an engine with only 3 moving parts?

That's different.
I thought that the winkle engine had been around as long as the others?
ok ok some Mazda's are a LIL different. but I mean like we are not driving around in fusion-based hover vehicles or something... wasn't the Segue supposed to "change the face of transportation"? HA!

:p I KNEW someone would pick up on the toilet taste comment. I even went BACK and added the COMMA
ok ok some Mazda's are a LIL different.  but I mean like we are not driving around in fusion-based hover vehicles or something...   wasn't the Segue supposed to "change the face of transportation"?  HA!

:p  I KNEW someone would pick up on the toilet taste comment.  I even went BACK and added the COMMA

I'm just that quick.


Anna hasn't changed... still all crazy for you.
Hasn't changed: the taste of strawberry ice cream, the appreciation of a banana split before a nap on a lazy Sunday afternoon, the way a QPC w/ cheese tastes with dehydrated onions instead of the fresh ones.
Know what I hate that's changed?!  NO MORE DRIVE-INS!  I used to love going to those as a kid...my kids will never know what it's like to hang out on the roof of the car with their jammies and pillows, or play at the play ground during intermission...

Sorry for the thread-jack...I'm all nostalgic now  *boo hoo*
We've got 2 Drive in's within about an hour of where I live.

Pez candy, gotta love em. So what I'm 28 and I fight with my daughter for her Pez dispenser
PENS! I holding a pen and it has not evolved into anything more than a ball pointed ink dispensing device.

When the world is constantly changing, and it's difficult to adjust or keep up with, it's good to know there are some constants to ground us. Be it orange popsicles or hugs from a loved one, it's good to grab something consistant on the way. Good stuff, peeps
Rice Crispies
Corn Flakes and many other cereals!! now I'm hungry PASS THE MILK!
Fruits! Oh, we TRIED mucking around with food Genetically, but no one was in favor of growing a third eye or eating real Frankenberries. An apple is still an apple. Thank God!
Know what I hate that's changed?!  NO MORE DRIVE-INS!  I used to love going to those as a kid...my kids will never know what it's like to hang out on the roof of the car with their jammies and pillows, or play at the play ground during intermission...

Sorry for the thread-jack...I'm all nostalgic now  *boo hoo*
We still have one here in northern Utah, but I know what you mean.
You guys are right:  toilets, and most burger joints still taste the same - burgers vary by region though, just a little.  AZ McD's taste different that IA McD's
I don't wanna know how you know toilets taste the same.
Nice one Ben...

He gotcha good Gunny....  
WWJD is tasting toilets not me Biggie.
yeah... Gunny fights crime as the Blue Power Ranger.

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