
Donating Member
I'm sure this is already a thread, if so, FREE POST!!! Anyway, who can I expect to meet at the DC Bike Show? Martin? Michelle? VMAN? Paul? Paul? (to both of you, so there's no confusion of which paul, even though GMbusa is going) Anyone else? SIGN IN HERE!!!!
I plan on going.

Is it just a show? Or should I bring a load of cash to buy stuff?
I'm in... Hopefully going to meet up with Grabntwist...
My plans hinge on how quicky we make tracks back from GA...after the cruise, we'll be stopping by that new aquarium in ATL, spending the night, then heading home...

Mike mentioned us running up to DC for the show with the boys, but honestly, I won't know 'til we're heading back from vacation...
OOOHHH!! Cruise.....aren't you just special??? You should try a Windjammer or Barefoot cruise. You'll never go back to those small city sized tour bus on the water things again!
I'll be there. Im meeting up with DJ aka SageRonin. Jessup, hit me up, I think you got my cell. Ill be in VA from the 2cnd to the 18.
I plan on going.

Is it just a show? Or should I bring a load of cash to buy stuff?
This show is will have alittle of everything. Almost all the manufacturers will be there, there will be some people showing their bikes and there should be a couple of vendors there too. Usually there's a Joe Rocket display with discounted/discontinued merchandise, cheap.

The great thing with this event is you can sit on almost all the new bikes displayed,(save for some exotic stuff) that'll let you get a feel for what bike fits you or what a certain model looks like. There's a few BMW's that fit me great, and i would of never known that without this show as i'm not a big beemer fan.