Rear Sprocket,,wanna go up two ??

I had my 42t from Sprocket Specialists in a week. Comes finished in a nice titanium/gray color and is lighter than stock.

Also replaced the stock rubberband, err, chain with a D.I.D. 530(50)ERV. 400 miles later, still at the same slack as I set it..within 4 millimeters actually. Lighter in weight than the stock chain too.

FC, adding two teeth to the stock 40 tooth sprocket will raise your engine rpm by 5 percent (2/40) at any given road speed. Also keep in mind that your speedo is going to be off by an additional 5%. Just put the new 42 tooth sprocket on the bike and forget all this other stuff, I'm sure you'll like it. I did mine about a month ago and it's really nice.